I want to share this great email I got from
Jerry Egolf on North Carolina Education Standards.
Kim, all,
Yesterday afternoon, Kathy Young, Linda Harper and I joined Dr. Rosemary Stein and Dr. Terry Stoopes for a presentation to the attendees of Camp Liberty, an annual event that Linda chairs at her church. It is a celebration of our traditions of liberty, freedom, the constitution, and preserving those cherished items.
Dr Stein led off with a riveting presentation about how CC has and is adversely affecting young children by using age inappropriate material and curriculum that is not tuned to the age or grade level of our children. She is a noted pediatrician with a background in education. Her presentation was very illuminating as to how badly CC is harming children. It also nicely set the stage for our presentation on the North Carolina Eduction Plan, slightly tweaked for the Christian-based audience.
Terry followed with some personal observations and experiences regarding his own children and their struggles with CC. He added some other observations about the overall process and commented on Dr. Stein’s material. He was humorous at times but effective in what he added to that presented by Dr. Stein.
Next, the three of us presented our material to a primed audience, there were many questions that begged to be asked but put aside until the Q&A period to follow. The folks were very interested in what we had to say. Kathy did her usual great piece of CC math, Linda added some important points about the ELA standards, and I closed it out with some critical thinking points and the summary.
There were many questions about the afternoon’s presentations and all of us had an opportunity to address them on our own area. It was evident that our plan had generated much interest. After the conference had ended, folks followed us around the venue to ask more questions. My heart broke when a lovely teenage girl described how her teacher had given them “porn” to read and discuss. When she confronted her teacher, she was told, “I am your teacher and I will decide what you read and learn.” The Department Head was no better, “freaking out” when they learned that the girl had confronted her teacher.
There were two noteworthy aspects from our presenting at the conference. First, we are now linked to Dr. Stein and her husband. They endorsed what we are doing and believe we are providing an important framework for educating the children of NC. As you are aware, Rosemary is running for Superintendent of Public Instruction next November, replacing June St. Clair Atkinson. She asked to be kept up on our progress and activities and she promised to do likewise. She gave us each a big hug!
Second, someone who I knew nothing about was in the audience and spoke at the close, complimenting Linda and Camp Liberty. He said that he had learned so much and appreciated the presentations. “He” was Senator Louis Pate, Deputy President Pro Tempore of the NC Senate and Wayne County Senator. He told us that we “need” more exposure and that he would arrange for us to brief a select panel of Senators in the near future. He was very complimentary of our work. (One man asked me, “Do you know who he is? I answered that no, I really didn’t. He then took my arm and said, “He is the number two in the Senate. Number two!”)
The Q&A session had to be ended as it ran long and was affecting the children’s portion of the conference. They did a great job of showing the flag and telling everyone about what they had learned about the constitution. It was a lot of fun. Linda is to be congratulated for all of the work that she did. We were all glad we had the chance to be involved in such a cool event.
I will have more to share Monday evening at Hal and Raynor’s but wanted you all to hear about yesterday.
Many blessings to everyone. Jerry