Voter Guide
Compiled by the God & Country Christian Alliance and Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association
In compiling this Voter Guide, we emailed/mailed questionnaires to all local & state office and judicial candidates to appear on the General election ballots in Carteret, Craven, and Onslow counties to give the voters in our organizations and the community some information on which to base their voting decisions.
The candidates that provided responses are included in this Voter Guide grouped by the office that they’re running for.
We hope that you find this helpful in selecting a candidate.
Carteret County, information about where, when, and how to vote can be found at:
Craven County, information about where, when, and how to vote can be found at:
Onslow County, information about where, when, and how to vote can be found at:
North Carolina State Board of Elections Judicial Voter Guide can be found at:
May God bless you, your family, and our nation!
Bob Griswold (CCTA Treasurer) – &
Ray Waldbusser (GCCA Vice Chair) –
As of 10/22/2024
NC Lt Governor REP Hal Weatherman (primary answers) 3
NC Superintendent of Public Instruction REP Michele Morrow (primary answers) 7
NC State Senate District 03 REP Bob Brinson (primary answers) 10
Craven County Board Of Education District 05 REP Amy Eastwood Davis (primary answers) 21
The below candidates did not respond to our questionnaire 32
NC Lt Governor REP Hal Weatherman (primary answers)
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
I am a husband, father of three, and a candidate seeking the Republican nomination for the office of Lieutenant Governor. A native of North Carolina, I received my undergraduate degree from Wake Forest University and my Master’s Degree from Wheaton College. I am the founder and President of the Electoral Education Foundation, a 501-c3 non profit organization dedicated to advancing election integrity efforts in North Carolina. I served as Chief of Staff to former North Carolina Lt. Governor Dan Forest and former US Representative Sue Myrick. I am a published author and have advised many Conservative candidates and campaigns over the last three decades. I am open about my Christian faith, my love for my family and my call to serve others.
2. What books/documents/principles/sources do you rely on that form your core beliefs?
The Bible is the foundational document I use to develop my principles and values. Outside of the Word of God, I believe in the Federal and State constitutions and will abide by their restrictions placed on the government.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
In short, my campaign is about making our state and our people self-sufficient. First, I want to use the authority of the office to fundamentally remove the stigma our society has placed on working in the trades. The Lt. Governor serves on the State Board of Education and the State Board of Community Colleges, providing a unique opportunity of influence to advance a new culture in our state that values entrepreneurship, trade work and small business ownership.
North Carolina’s apprenticeship program is not well advertised or easily navigated. When elected Lt. Governor, I will streamline the Apprenticeship program and work to give tax incentives to participating companies. North Carolina should be number one in Apprenticeships and I will accept nothing less.
Second, agriculture is our state’s number one industry, but North Carolina’s primary agriculture market is still the fresh market. With the global population now eclipsing 8 billion people, we have a God given geographic advantage and opportunity to feed the world. With the right investments, our agriculture industry will rapidly make the transition from the fresh market to the global market. I will advocate for investments into our ports (including inland ports and intermodal systems), cold storage facilities, and connectivity between farms and distribution hubs.
Finally, I believe the day of reckoning is coming for our state and country. It could be a financial calamity, geopolitical havoc, or some other form of mass disruption. We need a strong limited government Constitutional Conservative Governor and Lt. Governor who have the ability to set a vision for the state that allows our people to thrive when our federal government is no longer able to be depended upon and who will protect our civil liberties at all costs.
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
I will always prioritize cutting spending before asking for more taxes from the people of North Carolina. To do so, I will launch a comprehensive database of all contracts that are let by the State of North Carolina regardless of the state agency of origin. No such publicly available resource currently exists, which denies the people transparency of the use of their money. Likewise, I will launch a similar comprehensive user-friendly database of every disbursement or line item of our state budget – again for complete transparency to the people.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Ideally, I will be serving as the Lt. Governor of North Carolina. Regardless of future election outcomes, I will be advocating and advancing the conservative movement in North Carolina.
6. Why should I vote for you?
I have served as Chief of Staff for the previous Lt. Governor Dan Forest as well as Chief of Staff to US Rep. Sue Myrick. There will be no on the job training if I serve as Lt. Governor. I believe Mark Robinson will serve as the next Governor and North Carolina and I would like to use my experience to help him set up a new administration that puts him on a path to success.
Specific Questions for NC Lieutenant Governor – Legislative
l1. Do you think North Carolina should legalize medical marijuana and gambling casinos?
l2. Do you think the Parents’ Bill of Rights (Session Law 2023-106) should be revised to mandate parental consent for ALL medical care of minors and create meaningful civil penalties for violation of this law?
Email – ELECTDRACH@GMAIL.COM phone – 8032501075
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
I am a Certified Management Accountant and have worked as a President, Treasurer, CFO, and CIO. I worked over 4 years for Deloitte, a major consulting, tax, and audit firm. I have multiple other professional certifications and served on the New Hanover County Board of Equalization and Review. I served as a teacher in the US Peace Corps
I earned my MBA from Stanford University.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
The body of knowledge of the accounting profession, especially the standards supported by the American Institute of CPAs. Libertarian texts like the Declaration of Independence and writings by Adam Smith, John Locke, Rene Descartes, and more recently Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
-Credibility of the State Auditor. I am the only accountant running for NC State Auditor. I am a Certified Management Accountant. The other candidates are lawyers and politicians.
-Restore independence to the Office of State Auditor. Democrats and Republicans have a conflict of interest when auditing agencies run by partisans of their same party. The American Institute of CPAs says that when doing attestation services, an auditor must be independent in both fact and appearance. I am the independent auditor in this election
-Rebuild the Office of State Auditor (OSA). It is marred by the disgrace and resignation of the prior Auditor. The current auditor is a political appointee. The other challenger has targeted specific issues and agencies — wholly inappropriate for an auditor. The number of audits issued by the OSA has gone down over the past 6 month, likely indicating low morale and low productivity. The office needs an unbiased, competent, professional manager like me.
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
The state is currently running a surplus, which I think should be returned to taxpayers as a rebate. Whatever revenues are collected, my job would be to assure good financial controls
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
I expect to be a recognized leader in good governance, sound financial management, and taxpayer protections.
6. Why should I vote for you?
I am the only accountant – which should be a requirement for the job. I am the most independent – which should be a requirement for the job. I have an outstanding biography of public service, academic achievement, and business success. I am the best candidate and should be the choice of any voter who selects the most qualified and best available candidate, but especially among voters who register as unaffiliated specifically to reason.
Specific Questions for NC AUDITOR candidates –
1s. As a Council of State member how would you handle any attempt to close this state due to health concerns?
Looking back on Covid, I favor the approach taken by Sweden among most nations. Looking ahead, I would use a similar rubric for decision making.
2sa. What more can be done to help reduce Fraud in North Carolina state-funded programs?
More audits, especially of the performance and AUP (Agreed upon procedures) variety. This requires improving the capacity and effectiveness of the office – steady and sustainable improvements if not flashy. Good management. Whistleblower protections and access to legal support for whistleblowers is needed. I am aware of employees throughout the state government who see issues but do not speak out for fear of their livelihoods and social pressures.
PO BOX 548
Email – DAVE@AUDITORDAVE.COM phone – 9108503525
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
I am 56-years-old, born in Lincolnton, N.C. I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ; have been married to same woman for 29 years and we have four fantastic children (2 grown). I’ve lived in 12 towns across NC; graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill; earned a Law Degree and an MBA from Campbell University. I am a former Prosecutor (prosecuting seatbelt tickets to murders); I am a practicing attorney; a consultant on heath care issues; and I own and run small businesses. I am an elder at my church. I’ve chaired the board of directors for the Southeast Regional AHEC (training doctors for southeastern NC), and I serve on and chaired the Board of Trustees at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill where I lead the charge against the woke left agendas in higher education. At Chapel Hill, I led a budget reform effort that consolidated a $4 billion budget, turned a $100 million shortfall into a surplus, I introduced the School of Civic Life and Leadership to attract conservative professors and students to UNC (was on FOX news), and I stood up and voted NO on the 1619 Project coming to the University.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
My position(s) on issues are influenced (other than the Bible and Constitution) by my personal experience as a prosecutor, a practicing attorney, a business person who has signed both the front of a paycheck as well as the back of a paycheck, and from trusted friends and advisors who are both mentors and role models. I also read history. Biographies of change makers can give great insight. And finally, relying on personal observation is important. Leaders must “show up.”
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
1. Hold Government ACCOUNTABLE to Taxpayers.
2. Audit the DMV for efficiency and economy.
3. Creating a rapid response audit team to tackle hot button issues.
4. Define auditing role in the State Auditor’s office to address issues surrounding Election Integrity.
5. Audit Non-governmental organizations… with a specific eye toward making sure people here illegally are not benefiting from state taxpayer dollars.
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
Thankfully, we have had a conservative legislature that has managed our state’s funds so that there is a budgetary surplus and a healthy rainy-day fund. Quite frankly, the State Auditor can further assist the legislature with performance and efficiency audits that identify places to cut our growing government bureaucracy even further. We should always look to cut spending so that we can cut taxes and make NC a destination for people to live and own businesses.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
If I am blessed to be elected Auditor, I would be running for re-election. In any event, I see myself continuing to serve my community, my state and my nation through hard work, raising my family and participating in community service opportunities (such as my current board service, church service and within the Republican Party)
6. Why should I vote for you?
Council of State positions require experience leading large organizations. I have experience leading and making change in large organizations. I have a solid conservative record by currently holding a position in N.C. where we’ve been able to make a difference (copy and paste these links to see examples on Fox News —; and in the newspaper — I have the experience and background to be a successful leader as State Auditor. I also have courage to speak up and make hard choices and morally correct and conservative choices in the face of pressure to stand down.
Specific Questions for NC Auditor – Council of State
s1. As a Council of State member how would you handle any attempt to close down this state due to health concerns?
We should never completely shut down the State of North Carolina. (as I said earlier… our state constitution guarantees every citizen the right to the “fruits of his labor”) I would oppose the shutting down of our state due to health concerns. We can address and develop solutions short of shutting down our economy, our schools, our churches and our way of life.
s2. Auditor: What more can be done to help reduce Fraud in North Carolina state-funded programs?
My approach as State Auditor will be to approach the auditing function from a perspective broader than merely financial. We must take a deep dive into how agencies are run day-to-day. This will reveal a bigger picture and view than audits limited to financial only.
Email – NATASHA@NATASHAMARCUS.COM phone – 9802540473
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
Natasha Marcus is a three-term North Carolina State Senator and a candidate for North Carolina Commissioner of Insurance.
During her tenure in the North Carolina Senate, Natasha Marcus has stood for people over ideology, individual freedoms, and smart investments in the state’s future. She is running to be the next Commissioner of Insurance to serve the people of North Carolina who need and deserve affordable, quality insurance by restoring transparency, advocacy, and accountability to the office.
Natasha Marcus will be the people’s advocate, ensuring that we have a vibrant, competitive marketplace of insurance options with fair rates, honest coverage, and smart regulation.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
The Insurance Commissioner’s job is to regulate the insurance market dictated by math, not politics or opinion. I will be an Insurance Commissioner who a) holds public hearings to require insurance companies to justify their rate hike requests, b) prioritizes the data and math, to keep insurance rates at the right balance between fairness to North Carolina consumers and reasonable (not excessive) profits to insurance companies, and c) advocates for the rate relief that North Carolina working families deserve.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
As Commissioner of Insurance, I will restore transparency in the rate-setting process by holding the first public hearings on insurance rate hikes in more than eight years, requiring insurers to present evidence in a public forum, under oath, subject to cross examination, to justify their rate hike requests. I will also restore advocacy for North Carolina policyholders to get the benefits they pay for — to have their claims paid fairly. The incumbent Commissioner has starved the Consumer Services Division at the Department of Insurance of staff and resources, choosing to divert resources elsewhere, and closed critical regional offices that should be available for consumers who need assistance from the Dept of Insurance. As a result, North Carolinians are not receiving the advocacy and assistance they need and deserve from this office. I also will work to strengthen our communities against natural disasters by ensuring the solvency of the Beach Plan and the FAIR Plan, expand the FORTIFIED roof program to reduce storm damage and provide insurance rebates for coastal residents, and advocate for modernizing our building codes to enhance storm resistance. There is a lot more detail about my priorities at
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
The Commissioner of Insurance does not have the power to set tax rates.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Starting my second term as Commissioner of Insurance, after successfully ending the eight-year trend of rapidly increasing insurance rates under incumbent Commissioner Mike Causey.
6. Why should I vote for you?
Put simply, the current Commissioner of Insurance isn’t working for you. He’s raised insurance rates 16 times without ever holding a public hearing, has used taxpayer dollars to give his friends and political allies high-paying jobs in the Dept of Insurance when they are not qualified or expected to actually perform important work for the Dept of Insurance, and has pocketed over a quarter million dollars in campaign contributions from insurance industry sources, which creates a conflict interest. I’m running to bring the Department of Insurance back to the side of the people, by restoring transparency, accountability, and advocacy to the Department.I’m not accepting campaign money from insurance company PACS because I don’t want them to expect favors from me. I want to work for the best interests of the people, not the insurance companies’ profits. If you want to learn more about my plans, visit
Specific Questions for NC COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE candidates –
1s. As a Council of State member how would you handle any attempt to close this state due to health concerns?
I don’t think the state should ever be closed.
2sg. Is the Council of State more of an emergency response role or continued day to day advisory role?
The Council of State is comprised of ten people, all independently elected, to head up separate departments within the Executive Branch of the state government. Each member of the Council of State is elected to lead his or her department on a daily basis, to serve the people of North Carolina.
NC Superintendent of Public Instruction REP Michele Morrow (primary answers)
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
My name is Michele Morrow and I am a Christian, Conservative, wife of 26 years and a mom of 5. I am a nurse, an educator, and a community activist. I became passionate about politics when I moved back to NC 9 years ago and witnessed the decline in election integrity, medical freedom and academic prowess.
I have worked with Grassroots groups and the Wake County GOP for several years and have spoken to thousands of citizens around NC, at hundreds of legislative and school board meetings, and was responsible for writing a petition to get the Parental Bill of Rights passed, as well as ending the dangerous medical practices of puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy and transgender surgeries.
I am running for Superintendent of Public Instruction to make our schools the safest buildings in the state, to rid our curriculum of CRT, DEI and SEL, and to bring fiscal conservancy into the DPI. I want civility in our classroom, an end to the sexualization of our children and a return to the sound basic education most of us received.
2. What books/documents/principles/sources do you rely on that form your core beliefs?
I rely on the Bible to form my core, personal beliefs and worldview. I rely on the Federal Constitution to guide me in national issues and the state constitution to do so on state and local issues.
If elected I will collaborate with other officials on ideas, but never compromise my values. I will use the Republican platform as my guide to protect religious and personal liberties, promote free market enterprise and healthy competition, respect parental rights and the family structure, and make fiscally conservative budgetary decisions.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
My top three issues I would like to address when elected are safety, scholastics and spending. Safety from external threats includes student resource officers, video surveillance, and weapons detection systems and safety inside the classroom requires clear, fair, swift discipline policies bringing civility back to the classroom.
Scholastics includes removing critical race theory (CRT) training and ideology from our curriculum, a return to merit-based hiring and evaluation (ending DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), and focusing our classroom time and resources to sound basic education (ending Social Emotional Learning). I would push to not allow any student to advance from elementary school before mastering reading, writing and math, since these are the bedrock skills to all higher levels of instruction.
I would push for an external audit, on day one, to uncover where the waste and misappropriation is happening and lobby the legislature to focus our funding on the classroom needs and work upwards into the bureaucracy, instead of the other way around. I would evaluate all of our departments in the DPI, contracts with vendors, and programs in our districts to eliminate those which cannot statistically prove having contributed positively to the academic, character development or career preparedness of NC students. I will also seek partnerships with local businesses to strengthen NC’s economy and reduce costs.
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
I would cut spending to deal with budgetary shortfalls. Please see the paragraph above.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years, I expect to be starting my second term as the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
6. Why should I vote for you?
A vote for me is a vote to destroy the radical, Anti-American, racist, sexually perverse, and academically weak curriculum in our public school system. As Superintendent, I will return our classrooms to places of discipline and civility and restore the work patriotism and work ethic that made the United States the freest, bravest and most prosperous country on Earth .I will raise the bar of expectations morally and academically, and seek to strengthen the family unit and the collaboration between teachers and parents. I will focus classroom time and resources to preparing our young people to be hard working, responsible and critically thinking adults prepared to positively contribute to society and pursue careers which are financially lucrative and personally rewarding.
Specific Questions for NC Superintendent Of Public Instruction – Council of State
s1. As a Council of State member how would you handle any attempt to close down this state due to health concerns?
As a council of state member, I will vehemently push back against any request/demand to close down our state for any reason.
s2. Is the Council of State more of an emergency response role or continued advisory role?
I believe the council of state should function as an advisory role. The general assembly should function as the emergency response system, since there is more representation through the general assembly than the 10 members of the Council of state. Also, the legislature creates the laws, and the Executive branch ensures that they are carried out. Just as the judicial branch should not legislate from the bench, the executive branch should not legislate.
Thank you for the opportunity to share my views and plans with you regarding the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
PO BOX 99780
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
I was elected statewide to the NC Court of Appeals in 2020. I was a District Court Judge and prosecutor prior to the that election. I also serve as a Captain in the North Carolian Army National Guard. I was mobilized with the 30th Armored Brigade Combat team to the Middle East. I am married and I have two children. We are members of Holy Trinity Anglican Church. I grew up on a farm in Nash County. We make our home in Carteret County.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
My constitutional conservative judicial philosophy. I believe that judges should act with judicial restraint. Our job as jurists is the interpret the law, not make the law.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
Judicial independence, fidelity to the Constitution, civility, and bring clarity to the law.
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Serving on the NC Supreme Court.
6. Why should I vote for you?
We need judges who respect the position and the separation of powers. I bring those traits to this race. Additionally, there are no former trial court judges on the bench. I will add that to the Supreme Court.
Specific Questions for NC SUPREME COURT ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SEAT 06 candidates –
1j. Do you believe that the Constitution is a living document that changes with the times?
No. I am an originalist. I believe the words mean what they say.
2j. What is the authority on which you base your rulings?
I look at the original meaning of the document to guide me in my legal analysis.
PO BOX 1054
Email – TOM@JOINTOM.COM phone – 9844446264
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
Tom Murry is a State prosecutor, attorney, pharmacist, and Army veteran, but most importantly Tom is a husband and father of 3. Tom served in elected office at the municipal and legislative levels for almost 10 years. While serving in the legislature, Tom joined the NC Army National Guard as a 37-year-old father of 3 and currently serves as a Major. He deployed to the Middle East in 2017-18. In the Judicial Branch, Tom has a wide array of legal experience, serving as Chief of Staff where he worked directly with the Chief Justice to improve our court system and as a State Prosecutor focused on felony drug crimes. As an Army legal assistance attorney, Tom has helped Soldiers, their families, and military retirees with wills and estate planning, family law matters, and consumer protection cases. The theme of Tom’s campaign is Micah 6:8 – act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with my God.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
Judges are bound by the plain meaning of the Constitution and laws passed by the General Assembly, as well as decisions made by the US and NC Supreme Court. The Court of Appeals is an error-correcting court, not a “policy” court. As a Judge, I will only be influenced by the plain meaning of the law as written to fulfill Article 1, Section 18 of the NC Constitution which states, part …”right and justice shall be administered without favor, denial, or delay.”
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
– (1) Independence of the judiciary
– (2) Separation of powers
– (3) Judicial restraint
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
This is a policy matter for the legislative branch, not the judicial branch.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Serving as a judge on the NC Court of Appeals.
6. Why should I vote for you?
Whether as an Army Veteran, former legislator, or State prosecutor, I have earned a reputation as an effective advocate that achieves common sense and conservative results. I believe the plain words of our Constitution should serve as the primary guide when interpreting laws. I believe the judiciary is a co-equal branch of government. As a former legislator, I understand separation of powers and believe in judicial restraint. I know how laws are made and as a State prosecutor, I understand how laws are executed in the courtroom. The Judiciary is an independent branch of government. Other branches of government are responsible for policy-making and carrying out laws. I humbly ask for your vote as I seek to serve you as a Judge on the Court of Appeals.
Specific Questions for NC COURT OF APPEALS JUDGE SEAT 12 candidates –
1j. Do you believe that the Constitution is a living document that changes with the times?
2j. What is the authority on which you base your rulings?
The plain words of our Constitution should serve as the primary guide when interpreting laws. The authority of the Constitution is derived from the people, see NC Constitution Article 1, Sec. 2. Sovereignty of the people. All political power is vested in and derived from the people; all government of right originates from the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the whole.
NC State Senate District 03 REP Bob Brinson (primary answers)
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
I graduated from New Bern High School and the United States Military Academy at West Point. I served in the Army as a helicopter pilot, a logistician, and an Inspector General. I commanded at the company and battalion levels. Honesty, integrity, and transparency are built into my character. My wife, Amy, also graduated from West Point. She and I retired from the Army after serving on active duty for 26 and 28 years respectively and decided to return to New Bern. I am currently a City of New Bern Alderman. I have been actively involved in the communities in which I have lived, serving as a Parish President, a church elder, a President and Vice President of the Parent, Teacher, Student Association (PTSA) at the high school level, Vice Chairman and Treasurer for the Veterans Council of Craven County (VCCC), Judge Advocate for American Legion Post 539 and delegate to the VCCC from the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2514. For the Craven County Republican Party, I served as County Chairman, Precinct Organizer, Volunteer Coordinator, and a Precinct Chair. I have been married to Amy for 31 years and we have three adult children. I am a lifetime NRA member.
2. What books/documents/principles/sources do you rely on that form your core beliefs?
I am a Christian and the Bible is my primary source document. I pray and read the Bible daily. As a conservative, I also refer directly to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of North Carolina. My degree from West Point is in Political Science with an American Politics concentration which included American political thought from the colonial era through the revolution and Constitution. I am a Constitutional Conservative and believe the Constitution’s meaning is derived from the time when it was written with additional clarity in the Federalist Papers. In addition to these sources, I consult papers and publications from the Heritage Foundation, the John Locke Foundation, Hillsdale College, and the Cato Institute.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
We must protect our children against a liberal agenda. I am a firm supporter of the Parents’ Bill of Rights to keep our parents informed and involved in what goes on with their child in school. I want to continue to expand school choice and opportunity scholarships so that parents have a choice and can send their students to an institution that aligns with their values and beliefs. Without a Republican Attorney General, this is the only recourse the legislature has to combat the school systems that are refusing to implement the Parents’ Bill of Rights. The open US southern border is allowing drugs and criminals into our state. We must supply our law enforcement and first responders with the tools they need to combat this. We must also pass laws to keep undocumented people from receiving driver’s licenses, automobile plates, and tuition scholarships. We must enforce eVerify to prevent the undocumented from taking jobs. We need to make it hard for the undocumented to live in North Carolina. The third is we are facing a behavioral and mental health crisis with an extreme lack of services that affects both our veterans and our school-aged children. The state of NC has five veterans’ homes, and I would like to see us establish at least one more that is dedicated to mental and behavioral health. Then perhaps we can look regionally at public-private partnerships for mental and behavioral health services for school-aged children, especially for our rural counties.
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
During budget shortfalls, the legislature must cut spending. Thankfully because of the legislature’s reduction of corporate and income taxes, North Carolina is one of best states for business growth and this encourages people to move into our state. Through fiscally conservative decisions, North Carolina also has a very healthy Rainy Day Fund to take care of unforeseen circumstances and downturns. Being fiscally conservative is how government should continue to be managed.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
I will serve God and follow His leading in my life. I intend to serve several terms as the NC State Senator for the Third District.
6. Why should I vote for you?
I am running for State Senate to continue a life-long legacy of service. After West Point and 28 years in the Army, I came back home to Eastern North Carolina to serve. Public service is in my DNA. Honesty, integrity, and transparency are built into my character. I am a public servant, not a politician. I am a Christian and a Constitutional Conservative. I want to go to Raleigh not just to continue to fight the Liberals, but to work with other Republicans to restore our rights and liberties that have been taken away. This is our opportunity to take wins on every front. I will also work hard for you just like I have the Republican Party. I got the best compliment the other day from one of our board members. She stated that anytime something needs to be done, my name comes up, I’m called, and I show up and do it. She recognized and appreciated my work ethic. The Bible says that one who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much. I have served my country, the Republican Party, and the citizens of New Bern well and now I want to serve you in the State Senate. My name is Bob Brinson. I ask for your prayers and for your vote on March 5th.
Specific Questions for NC State Senate District 03 – Legislative
l1. Do you think North Carolina should legalize medical marijuana and gambling casinos?
In short, no to both. The problem with legalizing medical marijuana is it brings an entire distribution industry with it because marijuana is illegal at the federal level. Once this industry is in place, it only takes a flip of a switch to legalize recreational marijuana. If marijuana is a viable medicine for pain management, then at the federal level, it should be taken off the schedule of illegal drugs and placed on the controlled substances list. Then it can be regulated by the USDA, approved by the FDA, and distributed through our pharmacies. This would prevent the slippery slope to recreational marijuana. I am personally opposed to casinos because it brings petty crime, poverty, and homelessness for the people that can least afford to lose their money. This, to me, outweighs the economic development argument that could be made. Regardless of the arguments, the General Assembly must not force casinos into counties that do not want them. The citizens must have input into legislative proposals that impact them.
l2. Do you think the Parents’ Bill of Rights (Session Law 2023-106) should be revised to mandate parental consent for ALL medical care of minors and create meaningful civil penalties for violation of this law?
Yes, parental rights need to be restored in all aspects. I believe that instead of a revision there should be an entirely separate bill. That way an activist judge cannot put an injunction on the entire law (schools and medical practices). Having a separate bill would require separate lawsuits to be filed. We need to be thinking ahead strategically to effectively counteract and mitigate the liberal tactics that would negatively impact our citizens.
Email – phone – 2525321918
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
Born and raised in Halifax County to working class parents, lifelong public servant, 12 years Army National Guard, retired State Trooper, 28 years in law enforcement including as a narcotics officer, campus police officer & fitness instructor, degrees in Criminal Justice, International and Comparative Criminal Justice, & Business Organization, earned NC Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission/Advanced Law Enforcement Certificate, 10 years as Warren County commissioner (4 years as chairman), current president of NC Association of County Commissioners, member Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Prince Hall Mason, former small business owner, member of Roanoke Salem Missionary Baptist Church, married to a middle school teacher, father to four children.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
I am influenced by a common sense approach.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
– Economic stability for working- & middle-class families
– Prioritizing teachers & schools
– Defending individual rights, including the right to choose
– Support for farmers, small businesses & public servants
– Natural resources
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
Both are required; there needs to be a balanced approach.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
NC State Senator
6. Why should I vote for you?
The most famous three words of the US Constitution and North Carolina is “We the People”. The government was established by the people to work on behalf of the people. In today’s society we are a combination of many backgrounds, beliefs, and cultures. Any effective leader should have the ability to bring people together despite their differences. I am that leader that has an open common sense approach to move things forward. My upbringing, professional career, and governmental experience has aided me to represent people from all walks of life. Whether we agree or disagree I will uphold the right that we can.
Specific Questions for NC STATE SENATE DISTRICT 02 candidates –
1l. Do you think North Carolina should legalize medical marijuana and/or gambling casinos?
Yes, in the context of prescribing medical marijuana, it should be legalized. Physicians know what is best for their patients and all medications that will help or cure a medical condition should be afforded to them. Casinos are a game of chance and with proper regulation and education they can enhance a community’s economy.
2l. Do you think the Parents’ Bill of Rights (Session Law 2023-106) should be revised to mandate parental consent for ALL medical care of minors and create meaningful civil penalties for violation of this law?
I believe that parental involvement should be supported, however I do not feel that there should be a civil penalty imposed for violation of the law.
NEW BERN, NC 28560
Email – AUGUSTUSWILLIS@GMAIL.COM phone – 2526701937
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
I was born and raised in New Bern, NC as a member of Garber Global Methodist Church. After graduating from New Bern High School I attended East Carolina University and received a degree in Finance, summa cum laude, before attending the University of North Carolina School of Law where I received my Juris Doctor. As an attorney, I have served as counsel to the North Carolina General Assembly, an Assistant Public Defender, and for approximately 10 years representing either the State of North Carolina or the United States government as a prosecutor in Eastern North Carolina in criminal cases ranging from complex drug trafficking conspiracies to murder and other homicides. I am currently a Resident Superior Court Judge in Judicial District 4, comprised of Carteret, Craven, and Pamlico Counties and serve on the Board of Trustees for Craven Community College. In the past, I have volunteered for a number of other organizations in my community including as a board member of United Way of Coastal Carolina.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
Other than the Bible and the Constitution, I consult the applicable statutes and case law to make decisions in cases before me. I would say that I am also influenced by a sense of fairness and desire to uphold the rule of law and protect the community within the bounds of the law as it is written.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
If elected I will follow and uphold the law as it is written and treat all parties who appear in my courtroom fairly.
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
As a judge, I do not have a role in setting any budgets or control over taxes; however, I am mindful of the cost of operating our court system and administering justice. I always do my best to be a good steward of taxpayer dollars in managing dockets and I enforce the imposition and collection of court costs, fines, and fees whenever appropriate.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
God-willing, I hope to be continuing my service as a Resident Superior Court Judge for Carteret, Craven, and Pamlico Counties.
6. Why should I vote for you?
I have extensive experience in the law as both a prosecutor and defense attorney, and courtroom experience in both state and federal courts which provides valuable perspective as a judge. Further, my years as legal counsel to our state legislature give me a unique perspective on interpreting and applying statutes and an appreciation for the legislative process and deliberation that goes into the crafting of laws by the representatives in our legislature. I respect the principles of individual rights and separation of powers set forth in our Constitution and am mindful of governmental overreach. I understand that it is the legislature’s job to make the laws and will not legislate from the bench. I have a proven track record of dedication to this community throughout my career in public service and volunteer work. I respectfully ask for your vote to continue my service as a Superior Court Judge for Carteret, Craven, and Pamlico Counties.
Specific Questions for NC SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE DISTRICT 04 SEAT 03 candidates –
1j. Do you believe that the Constitution is a living document that changes with the times?
2j. What is the authority on which you base your rulings?
I base my rulings on the authority of the United States and North Carolina Constitutions, the statutes duly enacted by our legislature, and the binding case law of higher courts interpreting those documents.
Email – PJDELAMAR@YAHOO.COM phone – 2522491731
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
I was born and raised in Pamlico County. My undergraduate and law degrees are from UNC-Chapel Hill. I was in private practice for 19 years before becoming a district court judge. I am married with two children (11 and 13 years old). I enjoy running and reading in my spare time, and I have served as a cross country and track coach since 2009 at Pamlico County High School.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
As a judge, in addition to the Bible and the Constitution, I take an oath to follow the properly enacted statutes of North Carolina applying common sense.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
There are not three things. My oath is to follow the law as it is written, and that is what I pledge to do.
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
As a judge, we do not set our own budgets for the court system.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
It is my goal to continue as a judge.
6. Why should I vote for you?
As a judge, I’ve followed the law as it is written, without regard to my personal preferences. If you approve of that approach, then I believe you should vote for me.
Specific Questions for NC DISTRICT COURT JUDGE DISTRICT 04 SEAT 01 candidates –
1j. Do you believe that the Constitution is a living document that changes with the times?
The Constitution is not a living document. It contains a means by which it can be amended. Beyond that, it should be read as it was written.
2j. What is the authority on which you base your rulings?
Our government is established by the authority of the God of the Bible. Our Constitution is based on that God-given authority. Those are the authorities upon which base my decisions.
NEW BERN, NC 28560
Email – DMCFADYEN3@GMAIL.COM phone – 2526707152
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
Born in New Bern in 1970. Graduated from New Bern High School in 1989. Attended East Carolina University and later graduated from North Carolina State University. Worked in the public sector for the State of North Carolina and the NC State Bureau of Investigation before attending law school at the Appalachian School of Law. After passing the Bar exam, worked for the Kellum Law Firm in New Bern and Goldsboro. Joined my Father and another partner in 2006 to form Valentine and McFadyen, P.A. Practice focused in all criminal and civil courts. Filed for election in 2012 to fill the seat opened by the retirement of Chief District Court Judge Jerry Waddell. Won primary with 60% of vote and General election with 71% of vote. Sworn in on January 1, 2013. I knew I wanted to be a lawyer when I was 7 years old. I decided I wanted to be a judge when I was 12. I feel like I have the greatest job in the world, and I am so blessed to have been able to fulfill a lifelong dream of being a judge. I look forward to continuing to serve the people of our District to the best of my ability.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
The laws of the State of North Carolina.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
District Court Bench, God willing.
6. Why should I vote for you?
I have been on the Bench for almost 12 years now. I feel like I have a judicial temperament which provides the public with a fair but firm experience in my courtroom. I will continue to do my best to serve our District and to help ensure our judicial system runs smoothly and efficiently.
Specific Questions for NC DISTRICT COURT JUDGE DISTRICT 04 SEAT 03 candidates –
1j. Do you believe that the Constitution is a living document that changes with the times?
No. I believe in strict interpretation of the Constitution.
2j. What is the authority on which you base your rulings?
The United States and North Carolina Constitutions and the Laws of the State of North Carolina.
NEW BERN, NC 28562
Email – LWM123@HOTMAIL.COM phone – 2526332797
General Questions –
1. Short biography –
Greetings. My name is Walter Mills, and I live in New Bern, N.C. My wife and I have been married for 26 years. I have two children. And, two grandchildren. My family attends First Presbyterian Church, in New Bern. I grew up in New Bern. I graduated from New Bern High School. I attended East Carolina University, and graduated from law school at Michigan State University. I am a former United States Marine. I served in the United States Marine Corps Reserve for six years. I am the oldest of six children. Both sides of my family are from Eastern North Carolina, and many still remain in our area. I began practicing law in New Bern, in 1999. I became a District Court Judge in 2007, and Chief District Court Judge in 2012. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve our communities in this capacity. I am grateful for the dedicated people I get to work with, throughout our court system, on a daily basis. I am grateful for the support and trust you give me to perform this job. Thank you.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
If we include the North Carolina General Statutes, and binding legal precedent, that about sums it up.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
To continue to serve the people, and communities that all our families live in, to the best of my ability, as one of your District Court Judges.
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
Cutting spending. If you can’t control what you spend, the amount you take in is completely irrelevant. It will just get spent.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Hopefully, still living in our beautiful area of the country, where I grew up, And, still serving our citizens, and communities, as a District Court Judge.
6. Why should I vote for you?
I hope many of those reasons can be found in the answers above. I enjoy the opportunity to make a difference in some of the lives of our citizens, and welfare of our communities. And, I thank you for letting me do that in the capacity of a District Court Judge.
Specific Questions for NC DISTRICT COURT JUDGE DISTRICT 04 SEAT 04 candidates –
1j. Do you believe that the Constitution is a living document that changes with the times?
No. I believe in traditional legal interpretation. As expressed by Supreme Court Justice Scalia, language has meaning, and that meaning is fixed, and does not evolve.
2j. What is the authority on which you base your rulings?
At the District Court Level, the law. Whether it stems from the Constitution, statutory law, or binding legal precedent.
Email – ALEXPULLY@GMAIL.COM phone – 9194173401
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
I live in Beaufort, NC and currently serve as District Court Judge for Carteret, Craven and Pamlico counties. Prior to becoming a Judge, I worked as an Assistant District Attorney for DA Scott Thomas handling serious felony cases and probation violations. I attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and then Campbell University School of Law. l am a member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Beaufort, NC. I am married and my wife and I are expecting a girl in November.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
The law as written and the speci?c facts of each case.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
I have dedicated my career to public service, and I hope to continue to serve the great people of Carteret, Craven and Pamlico County.
6. Why should I vote for you?
Specific Questions for NC DISTRICT COURT JUDGE DISTRICT 04 SEAT 05 candidates –
1j. Do you believe that the Constitution is a living document that changes with the times?
2j. What is the authority on which you base your rulings?
US Constitution, State Constitution, and State law.
Email – WALDROPMS@AOL.COM phone – 2526464379
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
My parents brought me to Carteret County in 1980 as a 15-year-old when my father ultimately retired from the Marine Corps to Emerald Isle. At West Carteret High School (WCHS) 1980-1983, I was active in class leadership and the girls’ sports programs: track, volleyball and basketball. Upon graduation from WCHS in June 1983, I attended UNC-Chapel Hill where I received an NROTC Scholarship and in 1987 was commissioned in the United States Marine Corps, becoming a Signals Intelligence officer. I bring 24 years of world-wide service and leadership, retiring in 2011. After spending many years in California and overseas locations including Japan, Africa, and Iraq, in 2019 I happily returned permanently to my family home on Emerald Isle. I certainly believe in lifelong learning, I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, Masters in Computer Science, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Leadership Studies. I bring skills of critical thinking and healthy questioning on topics as a commissioner. I am single, never married and have no children. I have the time to devote to the community and look forward to serving the residents of Carteret County. In my leisure, I love shelling and golfing.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
I am a Christian. I was raised in the Catholic church. Today, I attend the Emerald Isle Baptist Church, which supports me in staying connected to my life long religious and spiritual beliefs. I am a Patriot. While serving, my military experience and exposure to other cultures has reinforced my belief in America and the founding documents of our country. Furthermore, my exposure to other countries while serving, has, I believe, helped in my understanding of how government and nonprofits can create an unproductive dependency. Finally, I believe that the many years of living in California inform my positions on community issues such as taxes, health and human services, and traffic. We do not want California in Carteret County.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
I feel that the exponential growth of our county is the most pressing issue now for Carteret County leadership. Major transportation corridors, like I-42, have begun to introduce significant challenges for our small eastern North Carolina culture to which most permanent residents have become accustomed. With this, elected officials are all beginning to address requirements associated with increased demand for: health care, consumable water, waste & storm water management, construction, transportation management, and educational services.
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
I am a fiscal conservative. Until this opportunity in public service, I have led an exemplar life of personal fiscal conservancy. I recognize that fiscal responsibility is vital to the service of a county commissioner. Before asking the taxpayers to take on additional tax burden, I would explore and exhaust other options. Those may include combining resources or reallocating the tax money that we already collect.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
I anticipate living on Emerald Isle. I am committed to volunteer service in areas of need throughout our county. Once elected, I look forward to serving my 4-year term and would consider continuing in this capacity if my service is still deemed helpful and desirable.
6. Why should I vote for you?
I believe I offer a unique perspective to the Carteret County Board of Commissioners. I possess no “special interests” that factor in my motivation to serve the County. I do not hold a real estate license, am not a land developer, and do not own a business. I am pursuing this office as a true citizen servant. I am retired and have time to devote to those issues important to our residents and tax payers.
1c. What policy changes would you recommend for the county to comply with the Parents’ Bill of Rights?
I support the NC Parent’s Bill of Rights as written by the state Legislature. I am currently unaware of changes that are or need to be recommended to the County Board of Education that may be necessary for our county to comply with the Parents’ Bill of Rights; however, I do believe it is essential that parents be actively involved and make decisions in the education of their children relative to school policies, curriculum and program offerings to their students.
2c. Should education money follow the child – going to public schools, private schools, charter schools, or homeschooling?
I believe that parents should be/are the best judge of what type of curriculum is best for their child. Yes, as is feasible, the educational funding should follow the child so that their individual needs can be more closely met.
Email – phone – 2527253944
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
I was raised in Carteret County, attending White Oak, Broad Creek Middle and Croatan High School. I then attended East Carolina University, and hold a bachelor’s degree in Family and Community Service. I am married to my husband, Brian, and we have three kids that are all currently attending public schools in Carteret County. We enjoy beach days (Ocracoke especially!), traveling and exploring new cities. I have enjoyed my first four years on the Board of Education, and look forward to serving a second term.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
When making any decision, I think about the implementation (what will it take, and by who, to implement decisions/policies) as well as the short and long outcomes of any decisions. I always try to speak with the individuals whom the decisions will affect most. If this is principals, school nurses, teachers – I go to them and get their professional opinion. Every decision being made, I strive to vote in confidence that I feel I am truly doing what is best for students, staff and parents.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
-Maintaining local control of curriculum
-More focus on mental health
-School Calendar Flexibility (Aligning with Community College, not earlier)
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
I feel our budget is transparent and not frivolous. We do not have unnecessary spending, and have spent a lot of time going through the budget – by line item – to ensure we are being respectful of the taxpayer dollar while serving our students as best as possible. This was a very large focus of the Board of Education, Superintendent, and financial department this year. I would support a (small) increase in local taxes to best be able to meet the needs of our system. I would not support any large increases.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years I plan to still be living in Newport, with my family. I will have a son entering his senior year of high school, and two girls right behind him. I hope to still be working in our school system in some capacity. I am unsure if it would be on the Board of Education, or potentially with the Carteret County Public School Foundation.
6. Why should I vote for you?
I think we have many wonderful citizens who could add a lot of valuable input to our school system, and am honored to have been elected four years ago to represent district two. I am a mom of 3, with a large personal investment on what happens in our system day to day. I will continue to do my best to make choices each day that follow my value system, and that I feel best serve the Carteret County School System.
Specific Questions for CARTERET COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION DISTRICT 02 candidates –
1e. What changes to policies would you recommend to comply with the Parent’s Bill of Rights, gender equality and Fairness in Women’s Sports Act?
Policy changes are one of the most difficult topics that we encounter. Often policies are required from the state level, and we must comply even if we do not fully agree. I would hope we continue to protect students safety, both physically and mentally. Parent’s Bill of Rights brought about many changes that we have worked hard, and will continue to work hard to ensure are being implemented in our policies and across the system.
2e. What role should parents play in their children’s education?
Parents should be playing a large role in their child’s education. I feel parents have the right to be fully educated on what’s going on in the school building each day- including what their child is being taught, and policies in place. I do not feel there is anything more important than active parents (or other guardians) in the lives of our students.
NEW BERN, NC 28560
Email – phone – 2526491071
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
I trained in college as a Secondary Math Educator. I was hired into private industry to start a programming school after graduation. I then transferred to the National Security Agency where I served as a programmer, engineer, technical director, manager, and 3 years as the IT Budget process owner (e.g., I ran the process for the decision makers). I served in the Pentagon as well representing NSA. My expertise was starting new programs and creating programs/processes/organizations successfully. I retired from government in 2014. I taught GED Math 2 at the Community College for one semester. I serve at my church as the Finance Chair and communication person. I was in Rotary in NC for three years. I have actively assisted the GOP with elections and for the Craven County Board of Elections for 8 years. I believe there is no retirement, just new callings to be answered. (Additionally I have a MS in Computer Science from The John’s Hopkins University and a MS in Telecommunications Engineering from the George Washington University)
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
I will supplement with American leaders such as Lincoln, the Founding Fathers, Reagan. For government work I use the Constitution because I swear an oath to the Constitution when taking a government position. I supplement the Constitution by using the Declaration of Independence. I believe Lincoln was right, the Constitution is the frame around the golden apple, the Declaration of Independence and the two documents must be used that way. I love reading Ann Graham Lotz. I am participating in a women’s bible study for women, by women that is very important to me in maintaining my core beliefs. I will look at case law, but only to form arguments as to why the Constitution was written correctly.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
-1 Obtaining a standard curriculum for each grade and a process to maintain that curriculum along with the county appreciating the need for state standards, county curriculum, teacher’s expertise in execution via lesson plans. This will help eliminate learning gaps because expectations from grade to grade would be established and expected. Focus on the basics first expanding after mastery of those.
-2 Budget – tie each budget item to an expected outcome along with metrics to measure it is being achieved – especially in the School Improvement Plans and to improved student performance.
-3 A workload study for the teachers. We have the teachers doing way more than teaching and we need to get their job back in the box meaning we need to have them teaching as the primary duty – that is their expertise. There is too much for a teacher to do in a day – way too much.
-4 Expand one of the jewels of the district, the Career Technical Education Program – where the jobs are – actively advertising and recruiting in middle school
-5 Gaining trust back into the school system to include the board. Discuss items BEFORE decisions are made in open forum, get public input and be thankful for it and use it, and give feedback.
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
Rarely is money the cause of failure. With that said, the county has $143M district budget (county, state, federal) which is significant – money is not the issue. The dollars need to be maximized and tied to a prioritized list of expected outcomes. I look at other counties to see what they are doing because we are not unique as much as we would love to believe that. Iredell County has one of the lowest county compensations for teachers in the state, yet they are in the top 10 performing districts in the state. How did they do that? To strive for excellence, you look at excellence and learn from that. Historically, only throwing money at a problem rarely leads to success. Actually sometimes too much money can make an organization lazy and not strive for the best because of the luxury to rest.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Hopefully back in retirement still giving back to the community by tutoring, being active in my church, and other areas like these two – pending on how well my first term goes. I have the tools, experience, and commitment to enhance the system which will change our current unacceptable student results. But there will NOT be a third term, if I can’t succeed before a third term, I deserve to be voted out.
6. Why should I vote for you?
Because I have a career of proven success record of getting diverse groups of people to agree on a goal and putting together successful programs to achieve those goals. My qualifications and experiences will make the board stronger. I am not afraid to be creative –frequently I am unaware there is a box for how to think. I am dedicated and will give my best all the time. I am not afraid of hard problems – I welcome the challenge and look forward to putting in the time and effort to make Craven County schools part of the top 10 in the state initially. I want to raise the bar in expecting better performance of students in both academics and behavior – if we expect more they will rise to the occasion and will feel good about themselves at having success. They know they are not doing the best they can – let’s have them rise to the challenge.
Specific Questions for CRAVEN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION DISTRICT 01 candidates –
1e. What changes to policies would you recommend to comply with the Parent’s Bill of Rights, gender equality and Fairness in Women’s Sports Act?
I want to work with the legislators to make one major change to the Bill and that is to add that these rights are endowed by the Creator. This will make it hard to take the rights away if there is a legislation turn over. I would also like to work to change the law to the parents are in charge of their children’s health – period. I would like to remove the clause except where otherwise designated by law.
I want to work with the county to get more parental involvement. The parents need to be the central figure in all decisions concerning their children. The school system should not be taking the role of the parents. If there is difficulty, then use county services to get the desired outcome – the board must start working with other county organizations. I would want a policy to say a biological male participates in male sports and a biological female participates in female sports – period.
2e. What role should parents play in their children’s education?
Parents are the primary decision maker for children. Yes, there are SOME parents that do not participate – take this as a challenge to get them to participate. One idea is to institute the parent/teacher conference the first week of school and the beginning of the third quarter so that expectations can be set and explained. Yes, it will be hard to get parents to participate – but we need to do this and need to be creative to make this happen.
NEW BERN, NC 28562
Email – phone – 2524746288
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
Born July 31, 1978 at Craven Regional Medical Center in New Bern; I was raised in The Ghent neighborhood, where my mother still makes her home today. I am a product of Craven County Schools (Trent Park, FR Danyus, HJ MacDonald, Grover C. Fields and New Bern High). I am a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill, with a BA in Industrial Relations and a Minor in Spanish and a graduate of East Carolina University, with a MBA. I spent 21 years in private industry (forestry and manufacturing) in Finance, Accounting & Business Planning. I am a Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser. I am a Christian, Conservative Republican, in that order of priority, and I currently serve on the Craven County GOP Executive Committee as Chair of Community Outreach; I have recently finished two terms as Treasurer of the Craven County Republican Women and still serve on that Executive Board as Chair of the Scholarship Committee. I serve on the Board of Directors for the North Carolina Forestry Association (2014 – Present, past Education Committee Chair) and Craven County Partners in Education (2008 – Present, Past President). Along with my husband, I am an Advisor to the Coastal Teen Age Republicans (TARs), and I am a member of the New Bern Church of God.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
I am a Christian, Conservative, Republican, in that order of priority. My core beliefs are shaped by The Holy Bible, which I believe is the infallible Word of God, and I believe that The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution are the two greatest and most important political documents ever written. I am a Constitutional Conservative. I believe that America is the greatest nation on earth, a City on a Hill, and I believe that our schools should be a place where our students learn about American Exceptionalism and are inspired to be Patriots. My parents are both members of The Greatest Generation, and they raised me in a home where a love of Christ and a love of country made up our core beliefs; we were taught to use whatever God has given us to serve Him and our neighbors. In addition to The Holy Bible and our founding documents, these core beliefs are what inform my position on issues
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
– 1. Safety & Security of our facilities
– 2. Teacher Recruitment & Retention
– 3. Literacy & Academic Rigor back in the classroom, while reducing our dependency on technology
– 4. Comprehensive implementation of Parents’ Bill of Rights
– 5. Oppose Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) at every turn, because SEL is the masking of indoctrination and a major vehicle for liberals to get their ideology into our schools
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
I do not support increased taxes, especially pre-emptive to examining the root cause/request for additional funding sources. I pride myself in being a true, fiscal conservative, which means that my financial decision-making rests on spending the right amount of money on the right things and never spending just because of fund availability. Every single budgeting and spending request or action should be filtered in this way. By profession, I am a finance professional and business owner, bringing nearly 25 years of well-exercised business strategy and financial acumen to any organization. This is a deficient skill area with our current board, and I believe my professional perspective and inquiry will improve financial transparency to the public.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years, I see myself in whatever capacity of service and industriousness that God directs me. I know that whatever my work, this will include being the wife and mother He has purposed me to be.
“There are many plans in a man’s heart; Nevertheless the Lord’s counsel—that will stand.” Proverbs 19:21 NKJV
6. Why should I vote for you?
My extensive service to our community and our schools has afforded me exposure and relationships that will additionally serve my constituents on critical school issues, including relationships with members of the County Commission and local law enforcement. Additionally, I have spent the last 4 years preparing for the school board by being a regular attendant at school board Work Sessions and Regular Meetings, with regular contributions to Public Input on a variety of topics. During this time, I have exhaustively gathered and analyzed NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI) and Craven County Schools data to understand our benchmark position relative to our sister counties. I am a strong advocate for school choice. However, we all know that the majority of our students will continue to be educated in the public school system for the forseeable future, and we cannot surrender our public schools and our children to the liberal agenda.
Specific Questions for CRAVEN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION DISTRICT 03 candidates –
1e. What changes to policies would you recommend to comply with the Parent’s Bill of Rights, gender equality and Fairness in Women’s Sports Act?
– 1. The school board should make all curriculum and classroom content and materials available in a way that is reasonably accessible by any parent or member of the public (taxpayers are funding this). Current Policy 3200 is not sufficient, as it outlines a process for parents to request access to review curriculum and classroom content; Parents and the public should have this information available on-demand in a centrally located, publicly (or electronically) accessible place.
– 2. The school board should remove all references to Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) topics and focus on academic and vocational learning. The NC Department of Public Instruction strongly encourages the integration of SEL topics into every core and elective course; this is not a requirement, yet we continue to be permissive of this content in Craven County. Not only should we eliminate this from our local curriculum content, but our school board should be vocal to NCDPI about our rejection of this topic. At the time of my responses to this questionnaire, the SEL references were still on the district website; this is not acceptable.
– 3. All sensitive topics should only follow an Opt-In policy; there should be no Opt-Out protocols. Common examples are use/assignment of technology (Ipads) and presentation of sexual education content in the classroom. Parents should be required to Opt-In their children for these topics. Opt-Out policies can be dangerous, because they can permit curriculum to be unchecked by parents; however, Opt-In policies require parents to be intentional about choices for their children and can serve as an additional safeguard against inappropriate and unwanted content.
2e. What role should parents play in their children’s education?
Education starts in the home, and parents are responsible for preparing their children for the rigor of the classroom experience, which includes discipline and foundational learning. The school system is responsible for the academic education of our children, not for shaping the social, ethical and religious persona of our children. At no time, and not under any circumstances, should the school board, school system or any representatives thereof undermine or trespass against the God-given authority that a parent has over their own children.
Craven County Board Of Education District 05 REP Amy Eastwood Davis (primary answers)
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
My name is Amy Eastwood Davis, and I am married and have three beautiful children all in Craven County Schools. One in Elementary, one in Middle, and one in High School. I was born and raised in Pamlico County, and have lived in New Bern, NC since 2018. I am the Administrative Manager for Carolina Craniospinal Neurosurgery for 2 surgeons and have been there for 20 years.
2. What books/documents/principles/sources do you rely on that form your core beliefs?
The only book I use and rely on daily for my core beliefs in the Holy Bible. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
There are many items I would like to address if elected, but I will try and keep it short. I de?nitely want to enforce the Parents Bill of Rights, Eliminate the overuse of IPads for students as well. We have kids who can’t write in cursive and do arithmetic still. Let’s get back to the basics or reading, writing, arithmetic, as well as proper knowledge of US History. We also must be more transparent on the board as a whole. There are too many closed session meetings, and nobody currently on the board is holding the Superintendent accountable. Accountability goes a long way in gaining our constituents con?dence and trust.
I would like to Prioritize School Safety, as a parent. I want to ensure my children are safe at school. No student, teacher, administrator, or anyone working in our schools should ever feel unsafe. Last but not least, I would like to see us cut out all the wasteful spending and ?nd ways to keep our wonderful teachers in Craven County! Our retention rate is awful, and we are losing teachers to Carteret County, Jones County, Lenoir County, and some are leaving all together for better paying jobs.
We have to put our teachers ?rst! We have to listen to them as they are on the front line and they need our respect, and their voices need to be heard.
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
I would only support cutting spending and the wasteful spending we have done; never would I support increasing taxes. We must work together to make this happen and make good decisions about where our money is spent and what it’s spent on.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
In ?ve years, I see myself still married, raising our three children, still at the same profession that I have been at for the past 20 years, and hopefully with your support making a difference on the Craven County School Board, listening to the people that put me in that position and making positive change!
6. Why should I vote for you?
You should vote for me because I am not only the ONLY Lifelong Republican running in District 5, but I am a true Christian Conservative who will uphold the Republican Parties true core values. As a mother of three kids in Craven County schools, I can assure you I will do what’s best for all the students in our schools. I will do exactly what the people in District 5 want from a calm, professional true conservative.
Specific Questions for Craven County Board Of Education District 05 – Education
e1. What changes to policies would you recommend to comply with the Parent’s Bill of Rights and Fairness in Women’s Sports Act?
There is no excuse for all local policies to NOT be in compliance with the Parents Bill of Rights or the Fairness in Women’s Sports act. I am committed to doing a top to bottom review of all policies to ensure they in no way violate or in any way place unnecessary administrative barriers to compliance. The Fairness in Women’s Sport act is close to my heart, because as a female athlete in school where I played Basketball, Softball & Volleyball, I couldn’t imagine a world where males could compete against women. There is no place whatsoever where males should compete against women period!
e2. What role should parents play in their children’s education?
Parents play the main role in the children’s education. We as a district should make every effort possible to ensure patents are involved, which starts with proactive communication from the school system. Parents’ voices should always be heard and never silenced. As a parent of three children in the system, I know I have been al1d always will be active in what’s going on with my children’s education, and I will push to ensure more parents are proactive in District 5.
Email – phone – 2526705869
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
I have been a resident of Havelock/Harlowe for over 40 years. I have been involved with Craven County schools as a parent, grandparent and an educator. Both of my daughters attended and graduated from Havelock. Now, as a grandparent, I have five grandchildren currently attending school in Craven County. Previously, as an educator, I worked in the school system for over 11 years. First as a substitute teacher at Graham A. Barden Elementary and Roger Bell Elementary, (now, Roger Bell New Tech Academy). Next, as an assistant Teacher at Roger Bell Elementary. Finally, as the Technology Specialist at Tucker Creek Middle School for the first six years that it was open. Through these experiences, I understand firsthand the struggles of students, staff and parents in this district. I have recently retired from FRC EAST, Cherry Point. There I was tasked with supporting the fleet by managing and publishing technical manuals for various aircraft platforms. I would like to apply my experience and abilities to help bring positive changes for Craven County Schools.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
School Safety, Transparency, Accountability, Student First Driven Policy, Equal Education for All
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
Craven County School budget could be increased with higher taxes, however, With the current economy, taxpayers must survive. I don’t understand why the funds for the education lottery are not more abundant. While I worked for the school system, I was very frustrated with the pay. After 11 years, I was managing Tucker Creeks technology needs. I was paid the same as a teacher assistant walking in the door on their first day. That was what drove me to seek a higher paying career. It hasn’t changed much as far as I can tell. Schools are having to manage with fewer staff members. Why is that? I understand that the tax base determines the amount of subsidy the county can rely on for their budget. Surrounding counties manage to pay their staff a significantly higher wage. Why would the brightest candidates choose Craven County to teach in? Why don’t we see more of the education lottery revenue? We all need to ask that question?
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Much older and wiser. I expect that after 4 years on the board of education that I will have a greater understanding of all stakeholders needs.
6. Why should I vote for you?
After working with Craven County Schools for 11 years, I understand the needs and struggles that students, parents and staff deal with on a daily basis. My hope, if I am elected to serve on the board, is to improve the experience for everyone involved.
Specific Questions for CRAVEN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION DISTRICT 07 candidates –
1e. What changes to policies would you recommend to comply with the Parent’s Bill of Rights, gender equality and Fairness in Women’s Sports Act?
Parents Bill of Rights – It is a shame that we need legislation to empower parents in this society. I am thankful that North Carolina adheres to the concepts of this Bill.
Gender Equality – There are 2 genders, male and female. Students that wish to be identified as anything else, should be referred for mental health assessments. School systems should not be required to comply with issues involving students with mental health concerns without a medical diagnosis.
Fairness in Women’s Sports Act – This is a much-needed Bill, unfortunately. This goes back to “Common Sense for Students and Staff” in our education system. Thank goodness for the legislature that had to override Roy Cooper.
2e. What role should parents play in their children’s education?
Children/Students belong to their parents. School systems should not be involved with making decisions regarding the medical needs of students without parental notification and discussion. If abuse is in question, a student advocate should be involved.
Email – phone – 2526655699
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
I was born on Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Cherry Point and have been a lifelong Havelock resident. Having worked my way through college, I graduated from Pensacola Christian College with a degree in Criminal Justice. The year I graduated, I was elected to the Havelock Board of Commissioners in 2019, as the youngest elected official in the state of North Carolina at that time. In the spring of 2022, I met the love of my life, Dr. Hannah Mayfield Kohr and we were married on July 4, 2023. We are expecting our first child in November. I have been a manager at several companies on and off base, and I am also a published orchestral composer. I have job experience in government, records management, personnel management, website design, and technology.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
I own several bookshelves of reference material on government, economics, history, Supreme Court precedent, ect. The most important books and documents to me are the Bible, the US and NC Constitutions, and The Federalist Papers. I tend to read a lot of Supreme Court majority, concurring, and dissenting opinions. I have learned that by looking at all the sides of legal arguments, I can more firmly understand and defend my own position as well as change my opinion as necessary. Other books in my library are works of various founding fathers, including letters and writings, which give insight into the debates that formulated the basis of the Constitution and some of the first laws put in place in the US.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
No more Covid lockdowns. It is time to get the Register of Deeds office back to normal function. Right now if you want to get a marriage license you have to call, then fill out an online form, then call again to schedule an appointment, and then go in person to get the license. It should not be a requirement to fill out a form to get a marriage license, but rather an option to save time. Efficiency for the government without ultimately serving the people in some way is not worth it.
The Register of Deeds website should be easy to navigate. I want to build a better website that is accessible and easy to navigate.
I want to streamline the software used in the Register of Deeds office to ensure that records are more accessible.
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
I will always support cutting spending. In my time as City Commissioner of Havelock, I’ve always voted not to raise taxes and rather cut public spending.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Wherever the Lord would have me. In the same way that I did not know that I would be married with a son on the way at this point in my life, I don’t know where God will lead; however, I see myself having a few more kids and still serving my community in whatever capacity God has for me.
6. Why should I vote for you?
I have dedicated my entire life to bringing down unnecessary government bureaucracy, which is why my proven record of voting for limited government and my experience in records management, personnel management, website design, technology, and elected office makes me the best qualified candidate.
Specific Questions for CRAVEN COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS candidates –
1d. As a local board member what federal, state, community and legislative bodies would you see yourself involved with?
The Register of Deeds is not part of a board, rather the executive of that department. The Register must interact with the Craven County Board of Commissioners in order to put forth the budget for their department. Furthermore, having experience working with state legislators I will advocate to the NC General Assembly appropriate changes to real estate law to protect property rights.
2d. What uniquely qualifies you to serve your local government?
In my 5 years of experience as a Havelock City Commissioner, I have learned the nuts and bolts of how local governments operate. Between the private sector and government, I have experience in budgeting everything from a few hundred dollars to a twenty five million dollar budget. While earning my degree in Criminal Justice I learned the basics of civil, criminal, and constitutional law and more importantly how to research law. I was also trained in indexing and records management, and I’ve implemented this experience in multiple jobs. In the private sector I have managed anywhere from 3 to 15 employees where I learned how to deal with scheduling, staff turnover, setting goals, leadership, performance management, conflict resolution, communication, and training.
Email – SUSANNECLONG@OUTLOOK.COM phone – 9103305073
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
I retired from the Onslow County School System in July of 2021. During my 30-year tenure, I served the district in the following capacities: Elementary and Middle School Teacher, Elementary and Middle School Assistant Principal, Elementary and Middle School Principal, District-Level Director of Curriculum and Instruction, and District-Level Executive Director of Exceptional Children’s Programming. Both my father and husband retired from the United States Marine Corps. We have made our home in Onslow County for over 30 years. We have one son who graduated from Jacksonville High School in 2017 and NCSU in 2021. My husband works at New Bridge Middle School as a teacher assistant. I graduated from White Oak High School and East Carolina University, earning a Bachelor of Science Degree, a Master’s Degree in School Administration and Instruction, and a Dual Language Immersion Administration Certificate. I am a registered Republican and have attended River of Life Church in Jacksonville for over 30 years.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
Primarily, The National Review is my go-to. Sometimes, I read Paradigm Press as it provides insights on the economy, and periodically, I view articles on Blaze Media.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
– Strengthen safety measures including student and staff well-being
– Strengthen instruction and student-enriching opportunities including career preparation and pathways
– Strengthen parent, community, and business involvement
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
I would not be an advocate for increasing taxes. School Boards do not have taxation authority so quality collaboration is needed with Onslow County Government/County Commissioners. A Board of Education must help develop a sound budget and provide fiscal oversight.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Serving the community in some capacity
6. Why should I vote for you?
I have experienced Onslow County Schools from the perspectives of a teacher, administrator, parent, and student. In these roles, I have engaged with parents, school personnel, and students, hearing their concerns and working to address each one in a manner that provides the best outcome for all involved. Schools are the heart of their communities; I believe in the goals of public education and the hope it brings, which includes strengthening communities.
Specific Questions for ONSLOW COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION candidates –
1e. What changes to policies would you recommend to comply with the Parent’s Bill of Rights, gender equality and Fairness in Women’s Sports Act?
The Fairness in Women’s Sports Act aims to prevent transgender males from competing in women-designated sports. Current local policy states athletics may participate only on the team consistent with the gender on the student’s birth certificate unless otherwise permitted under North Carolina High School Athletic Association rules and regulations. In some states including North Carolina, it is possible for a student to change the gender marker on his/her birth certificate therefore policy would need to be created that ensures athletes compete in categories that align with their biological sex and gender at birth to ensure fair competition in sports.
Closely related to the above, policy will also need to be considered to address sharing/storing of a student’s biometric scan, creation, sharing, storing of a child’s blood/DNA and creation of a video/voice recording without a parent’s written request.
2e. What role should parents play in their children’s education?
Parents are the single most influential component of a child’s life. Parents should play a vital active ongoing role in their child’s education. Parents should be heard and valued.
phone – 8282283822
General Questions –
1. Hi I’m Robert LeFevers. I was born in Charleston South Carolina in 1976. I’m 47 years old and running for the local Enloe county school board. I have three wonderful children that I raise on my own. My twin girls are 14 and my son is 17 , students here in Onslow county. I am a disabled veteran of United States Air Force, where I did three tours overseas for this great country after getting out to raise my kids. I then put my G.I. Bill to work as I received my bachelor degree from the university of Wilmington in health and physical education.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues? Well a big part my first knowledge is my children and seeing things through their eyes as they go day-to-day through the public school system . I also look for our state to guide us in publications and statements To help guide me through my decisions and recommendations. and as a great resource, I always listen to the community and surrounding areas about their needs and wants for the school system.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
if elected, my number one goal is to put safety back into our schools safety for the student safety for the teachers safety for all. Secondly, I plan to set into motion, a new bullying campaign that will address and educate our serious issue with bullying with the school and with social media that follows students and teachers home from schools to make repeat bullying a more serious offense. Thirdly, I want to implement volunteer veterans into our schools to help secure schools to help mentor kids to help in whatever the needs are of each individual school. I have talked to many veterans. They are excited to be able to give time and wisdom into our classrooms and hallways. Fourthly I want to work closely with teachers and get them what they deserve and that’s an increase in pay! teacher retention and attracting good teachers to our district.
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
well, I think in this area, I would be more in favor of making some hard decisions in cutting the spending in the counties budget. I always want to hold off on hiking taxes for our community. There’s other ways we need to community more involved maybe haven’t community bake sales car washes yard sales so forth and so on to help, not to increase taxes on our as we’re under enough strain.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years, I would like a chance at running for superintendent or who knows maybe even the great governor of this state I think new eyes and new vision is what North Carolina and this county lacks as the board members now are complacent and comfortable with what’s going on and has gone on I am not. I will advocate for each student teacher and parent vote for me is a vote for change.
6. Why should I vote for you?
Specific Questions for ONSLOW COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION candidates
this is a very fair question as I’m asking you for your vote November 5. A vote for change is a vote for LeFevers don’t get caught up and party affiliations and silly gimmicks. I am down to earth, shoot it straight and you will find no one better than me to advocate for you. Your child and our teachers I want to put safety back into our school were students and teachers feel safe because there’s no other environment than a safe one for our children to learn at their max capabilities. I will always do what’s right this position. I will never waiver because something is easy. I will be on the states doorstep emails and phone calls weekly to push for better pay for our teachers bus drivers and staff in our Oslo county schools so I ask you again are you happy with what’s going on now with the board members that’s on board now or are you looking for a new face and great changes to come to this county as they deserve it vote for safety in our schools and for change as we greatly need is a vote on November 5 for LeFevers.
1e. What changes to policies would you recommend to comply with the Parent’s Bill of Rights!
– I think first of all we need to better educate the community parents and students about these changes as they’ve been passed down by the state we must implement them in a non-partisan way, a way that makes sense for our county and our district.
– gender equality : I think this has been a battle for a long time one that should not be much of a Battle. We need to do what makes sense we need to do what’s right it should not matter the gender when it comes to Pay or any other aspect or our teachers or our staff if they have the same time in the same certifications and the same know how to pay should not reflect any different no matter male or female we should all want this to be an equal playing field
– Fairness in Women’s Sports Act? I feel this is a touchy subject, which is many subjects that we have to deal with in today’s society feel when it comes to sports whatever your gender is at birth you should participate as in that particular sport as there can be no favoritism or unfairness in sports or any day-to-day life I think if we allow other genders to join non-genders in sports it is a disadvantage to other teams and would not be fair.
2e. What role should parents play in their children’s
I think this is the best question of them all in order to have successful students. This must absolutely start at home. Parents should play a huge role in their child’s education. They should help their child prepare for school and make sure that they are learning on a level that keeps up with everyone else, whether that increasing tutors or getting special help from others to have moral support from your family and not just help, prepare them for school, but help them after school make sure their homework getting done make it a priority. We need to be more involved as parents in society about what our students are encountering and doing and what work they are putting in, we live in a time an era let’s say that most feel entitled I came up in a time that you earned what you got no one give you anything I think that taught me great values and appreciation for my achievements that I have made throughout my life it’s not been easy. No one said it would be but parents, teachers communities and school board members would all work together. We could have one of the greatest school systems in the state I believe in Onslow County, I believe in making a difference for our children to advocate for all. Again , I ask you all, do you want to see great things for this county for this district? Do you want to see change or are you happy with what’s going on if you truly won’t change and truly want a voice that you can depend on Vote for me LeFevers for Onslow county school board this November 5th
NEW BERN, NC 28562
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
I was born and raised in New Bern and have been involved in public service for around 40 years. Town commissioner, County Commissioner, Mayor and numerous state and local boards and commissions. Married to Jeannie Moore Tyson since 1977 and have 3 children and 3 grandchildren. Have been active in the real estate business since 1972
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
Common sense and experience
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
Drainage issues and sidewalks
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
Cut spending
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
6. Why should I vote for you?
Only candidate on ballot for office of mayor
Specific Questions for TOWN OF TRENT WOODS MAYOR candidates –
1t. As a board member how do you balance responsibilities between local administration and the public you serve?
2t. What uniquely qualifies you to serve your local government?
Email – KLEWIS52361@GMAIL.COM phone – 0
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please).
I have been married for 47 years. The Marine Corps brought us to Cherry Point Jan. 1981. We raised 4 children who graduated from Havelock High School. I have 9 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. My early work experience was in the food industry and fulfilled a dream of owning a restaurant. This experience provided much insight into operating a local business and obstacles faced. Since 1983 I have been a faithful member of Community Baptist Church, Newport, NC. I surrendered my life to serving my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I serve as a Sunday School Teacher, secretary for our Awana Club program, and head up the Hospitality and Events Teams. In the past I have served on:
Havelock Sports Leagues Administration Past Affiliation
Pop Warner Football – Youth Soccer Association – Little League
City Boards Served
Appearance Commission – Planning Board – Recreation Advisory Board – Senior Advisory Board – Volunteer Fire/Rescue Committee – Christmas Parade Committee – Eastern Carolina Council of Government – Cultural Arts Committee
I make/serve free Cotton Candy and Popcorn at National Night Out, Movies/Music in the Park, and the Trunk or Treat event. My Vision is for the completion of our sewer lines to better support our future growth, the welfare of our local businesses, and our citizens and youth of our great city.
Karen Lewis
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
I allow my moral compass to be my guide. I listen to all sides of issues and after seeking God in prayer I then make my decision to what I think is in the best interest of the city and its people.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
-A.) Sewer- although we have made many upgrades to our water and sewer systems. We will continue to seek grants as well as other cost saving ways to make necessary repairs and upgrades to our system. There are still many issues to address.
-B.) Economic growth and development- With the by-pass nearing its completion. This has and will continue to bring new and exciting opportunities for Havelock to expand and grow in and around our great city. With the remaining number of F-35 coming to Cherry Point this means there will be more families needing homes to live in, recreation and activities for families to partake in. We must be prepared for this.
-C.) Parks and Recreation- We have a very well-run department with a knowledgeable staff, that do a great job and running and maintain our recreation. Many of you may know that over a year ago we started doing movies and music events in the parks. They have become very successful, and our citizens love them. But there are so many more thing we can do and should do. I am currently serving on our newly formed Cultural Arts Committee. They are exploring many options for new events for Havelock. As I have stated before that with the by-pass growth is coming, and we must be planning and acting now.
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
I am currently sitting in a seat as a City Commissioner. So being faced with budget shortfalls I am no stranger to. So yes, I would support both cutting spending and the increase of taxes. Until you have sat in this position you don’t understand how important both can be. You must have a healthy and well-balanced mix of both. We tried for many budget cycles to keep taxes down and either never raised the tax rate or it was so low that it did nothing to help solve the problems we face. You can only prevent the inevitable of tax increases for so long, before you have outsourced the cities financial resources and then your forced to do a large increase in your tax rate to correct the issue. This is exactly where we found ourselves two budget cycles ago. There are many dangers to allowing a city’s general fund balance to fall below certain levels. LGC’s can come in a take over the city. This is never a good thing. So, I ask for your patience as well as your thoughts. We need to hear from you, we need to know what your wants and needs are, so keep reminding us. But I would also like to caution you that before you go clearing a board of 3 seats all at once out of anger and frustration that you take head to the experience you discard. This is a very dangerous and irresponsible thing to do.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
I will still be serving our citizens in one capacity or another by being on as many boards as possible. I will still be making popcorn and cotton candy for city events. Most of all I will still be praying for the health and well being of all Havelock Citizens and its surrounding neighbors.
6. Why should I vote for you?
Because I have 13 years’ experience as a commissioner. I love the City of Havelock and its people and will do whatever is necessary to see it grow and thrive. As I have stated before, I always listen to all sides of issues, seek guidance through prayer. Whenever making decisions on behalf of our citizens, I am always mindful that I am also a citizen first and that all decisions affect me as well as they do them.
Specific Questions for CITY OF HAVELOCK COMMISSIONER candidates –
1t. As a board member how do you balance responsibilities between local administration and the public you serve?
First and foremost, I remember that the citizens are who elected me not the local administration. So, as they have trusted me to serve them, I in turn must always keep their interests first. Having said that, this does not mean that I don’t listen to and value my fellow commissioners or the staff that serve us. Our department heads are very well trained and knowledgeable in their fields. So, it would be reckless of me not to listen to the information they provide us with.
2t. What uniquely qualifies you to serve your local government?
13 years of experience serving the people of Havelock who have put their trust in me and elected me to look out for them and their needs. Has that always been easy, absolutely not. But have I always made the choices that I believed were the right ones, yes. I will never make everyone happy, but I will continue to try. Can I look myself in the mirror and not be ashamed of any decision I’ve made. Yes, without question.
NEW BERN, NC 28562
Email – BOKOR71114@GMAIL.COM phone – 2524221941
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
I’m a man of many hats – a Conservative Christian, husband, father, grandfather, USMC veteran, and civil servant with 37 years of combined federal service. As a skilled leader and problem solver, I have managed multi-million dollar budgets for military aircraft projects and attended various leadership and Six Sigma courses. I am committed to my community, having attended numerous council meetings and workshops. I am financially responsible, maintaining a high credit score, and I am dedicated to serving the town with my extensive experience and expertise.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
When making decisions on issues, I consider several factors in addition to the Bible and the United States Constitution, such as family values, the will of the people I serve, the need, cost, urgency, and allotted cost versus the budget. Prioritization is also crucial when faced with multiple issues.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
If elected, my priorities would include improving water quality, addressing storm drainage, and ensuring EPA-compliant wastewater discharge. Rezoning the River Stone area for light industrial use would also be considered to attract small businesses, reduce taxes, and to preserve more green spaces while minimizing stormwater runoff. Maintaining a sufficient emergency reserve fund and preserving the town’s zero-debt status would also be top of mind.
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
If confronted with budgetary constraints, I would engage in consultations with the town manager, finance manager, and other council members to explore potential avenues to address the shortfall, such as pursuing grants, reallocating funds between budget line items, or utilizing the general fund. Imposing a tax increase would be considered a last resort.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Within the next five years, I envision myself devoting more time to loved ones, pursuing leisure activities such as golfing and camping, and thoroughly relishing life’s experiences.
6. Why should I vote for you?
As a qualified candidate for the position of council member in River Bend, I possess a unique combination of skills and experience that make me the ideal choice for the job. My top priority would be to ensure that the town’s budget is managed efficiently and allocated effectively. With a background in problem-solving and teamwork, as well as extensive experience in leadership and management, I am confident in my ability to serve the community and make decisions that benefit all residents.
What sets me apart as a candidate for local government service is my multifaceted problem-solving expertise, honed through extensive education and experience. As a highly effective communicator, I can navigate challenging situations by fostering team collaboration and leveraging each member’s unique strengths and skills to facilitate productive discussions that lead to structured and strategic resolutions.
Specific Questions for TOWN OF RIVER BEND COUNCIL MEMBER candidates –
1t. As a board member how do you balance responsibilities between local administration and the public you serve?
Transparency is essential for striking a balance between the administrative duties of council members and the public they serve.
2t. What uniquely qualifies you to serve your local government?
As an elected official serving on a board the public and the administration has put their trust and confidence in you to ensure you will serve the public interest above your own. In addition the council must comply with applicable rules and laws to include federal, state, local and the organizational bylaws and policies.
The town employs an attorney to ensure the council doesn’t violate any laws or engage in any unauthorized activities.
NEW BERN, NC 28562
Email – CLAYTON4COMMISSIONER@GMAIL.COM phone – 9194516204
General Questions –
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
I am the 2024 Rotarian of the Year for the Rotary Club of New Bern (Noon Rotary), father of 2 (Boland – 6, Merritt – 2) and husband to Maureen. I am involved in the community with the AH Bangert PTA, Christ Episcopal Church, Diocese of East Carolina, Craven County TDA Sports Committee, Rotary Club of New Bern, and NCHSAA/NCAA football and women’s lacrosse official. I was born and raised in Person County and have been a resident of Trent Woods since 2015. I have a bachelor’s degree from UNC Charlotte and owner of Coastal Concierge Service. My campaign’s slogan is “Families First.”
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
a-Listening to constituents.
b-Researching the topic/issue.
c-Listening to town staff or subject matter experts on the issue/topic.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
a-Increase Transparency
b-Keeping Taxes Low
c-Safety for All Citizens
d-Paying Town Staff a Fair Wage
e-Offer Online Payment and Registration for Services
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
Should the budget shortfall be related to delaying a project or physical need (car, mower, etc.) I would want to look at cutting spending for the year. If we are also looking at not paying our town staff a fair wage, I would want to look at the possibility of increasing taxes if we have cut in other areas. We want to make sure we recruit and retain the best town staff including those who work in town hall as well as our police officers who are some of the best in Craven County. We need to keep our wages competitive with other municipalities and counties within the area.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Continuing to serve the people of Trent Woods, whether it is on the board if elected or by being on various community boards and organizations to help the residents of Trent Woods.Serving the community also comes through my business Coastal Concierge Service.
6. Why should I vote for you?
I am honest, trustworthy, and willing to listen to everyone before making an informed decision for the community. As town commissioner the voters are trusting me to take care of the business of the town on their behalf.
Specific Questions for TOWN OF TRENT WOODS COMMISSIONER candidates –
1. As a board member how do you balance responsibilities between local administration and the public you serve?
The biggest way to balance is being available to the community as well as keeping the public aware of what is going on through various communication channels including but not limited to social media, websites, and other manners.
2. What uniquely qualifies you to serve your local government?
I have served on various community boards as well as have past experiences working in local government in both Washington and Havelock in their parks and recreation departments. I understand how the budget process works within municipalities and understand that compromise is needed many times to make sure the town gets what taxpayers have paid into but also understanding the budget that has been given.
NEW BERN, NC 28562
Email – 5NCMURPHYS@GMAIL.COM phone – 2523491212
General Questions
1. Short biography – (200 words or less, please)
I am married to Ashley Murphy, and we have three children: two in college and one a senior at Epiphany. We have lived in New Bern since 1999 and in Trent Woods since 2005. Self employed as a Financial Advisor (Murphy Matza Wealth Management) with our office in Trent Woods and Raleigh NC. ¬ I am a member of Garber Methodist Church, Commissioner of Trent Woods, Chairman of the Board for Epiphany School of Global Studies, Committee Member of NC Transportation Advisory Committee and West of New Bern Volunteer Fire Department Board Member.
2. Other than the Bible and the Constitution what influences your position on issues?
As Ronald Reagan famously quoted “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help”. I believe in a small government, we run Trent Woods “lean and mean” and don’t plan on changing that stance.
3. Name the top 3 to 5 items that you want to address if elected.
-1. We recently completed a drainage master plan for the town. We are about to start on a project on Coquina and Carteret which will help those homeowners with some of the flooding in that area. We have identified other areas that we will be focusing on as well.
-2. We have some streets in town that we’d like to install sidewalks on. We are currently working on funding through a state grant that would connect the sidewalk in front of Bangert Elementary to Country Club Road. If that grant falls through we have already been saving funds to be able to complete the project with no debt.
-3. Continuing to find ways that maintain the attractiveness of our town and further reduce our taxes
4. Faced with budget shortfalls, would you support cutting spending or increasing taxes?
While I have been on the board we have been able to complete a lot of projects while maintaining or lowering taxes. Have kept the town out of debt so we are in a fantastic position to handle any federal or state shortfalls that could impact us.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Continuing to live in Trent Woods, manage my business and hope my kids are coming to visit! I also want to continue to be involved in the community in any way possible.
6. Why should I vote for you?
I try to have a common sense view on the issues that come up before the board. I know I can’t please everyone, but at least they know I listened and provided feedback on my stance for the town. I am a local business owner with a vested stake in not only Trent Woods but New Bern as well. I am prompt with responses and don’t want to waste any taxpayer funds. Trent Woods is one of the finest places to live and I want to make sure it remains that way for generations to come. I have been involved with a number of projects during my 11 years on the board (new town hall, development of Cottle Park, upgrades to Meadows Family Park and over 6 miles of sidewalks installed with no debt and even a reduction of the tax rate.
Specific Questions for TOWN OF TRENT WOODS COMMISSIONER candidates –
1t. As a board member how do you balance responsibilities between local administration and the public you serve?
We have fantastic employees that care about our town and want to help in any way they can. Over the 11 years I have served on the board we have had the usual turnover of employees and I am excited to say that we have continued to find even better candidates to fill those positions. That happens as a result of the culture myself and the other elected officials have helped to maintain.
2t. What uniquely qualifies you to serve your local government?
I have been commissioner of Trent Woods for over 11 years. Over that time we have built a new town hall, developed Cottle Park, upgraded Meadows Family Park and installed over 6 miles of sidewalks while maintaining or lowering our taxes and incurring no debt. I am the owner of Murphy Matza Wealth Management. My financial planning background provides me unique insight on decisions that come before the board. Lastly, because I love Trent Woods!
Constitutional amendment to provide that only a citizen of the United States who is 18 years of age and otherwise possessing the qualifications for voting shall be entitled to vote at any election in this State.
______ For
______ Against
The below candidates did not respond to our questionnaire
Mark Robinson REP
Mike Ross LIB
Josh Stein DEM
Wayne Turner GRE
Shannon W. Bray LIB
Rachel Hunt DEM
Dan Bishop REP
Jeff Jackson DEM
Jessica Holmes DEM
Sean Haugh LIB
Sarah Taber DEM
Steve Troxler REP
Mike Causey REP
Luke Farley REP
Braxton Winston II DEM
Chad Brown REP
Elaine Marshall DEM
Maurice (Mo) Green DEM
Brad Briner REP
Wesley Harris DEM
Allison Riggs DEM
Carolyn Jennings Thompson DEM
Ed Eldred DEM
Valerie Zachary REP
Chris Freeman REP
Martin E. Moore DEM
Maria Cormos LIB
Norman W. Sanderson REP
Charles T. Dudley DEM
Michael A. Lazzara REP
Andi Morrow DEM
Celeste Cairns REP
Katie Tomberlin DEM
Gheorghe Cormos LIB
Greg Murphy REP
Linda G. Moore DEM
Steve Tyson REP
Wyatt Gable REP
Carmen Spicer DEM
Matthew Feehan LIB
Christopher Schulte DEM
Phillip Shepard REP
Frances Lakey DEM
Carson Smith REP
Debra Massie REP
Christopher J. Welch REP
Michael C. Surles REP
Robert H. Gilmore REP
James L. (Jim) Moore, Jr. REP
William Shanahan REP
Billy Sutton REP
Walter Bateman REP
Melissa Blizzard Stevens REP
Chimer Clark REP
Keith Moore REP
Nathan Chambers REP
Kevin W. White REP
Denise Magwood DEM
Michele Fisher DEM
Arnold Asdenti
Mike Lewis
Sean P. Burke
Adam Lockey
Michelle L. Toth DEM
Marlene Salyer
Douglas Cowan
Mark Dunn
Paul Gaskins
Paul Buchanan REP
John Davis REP
Robin L. Knapp REP
Tony Padgett REP
Velvet T. Scoggin DEM
Elbert Garvey REP
Michele Halley REP
Tanyetta Hill DEM
Allison Page DEM
Phillip Williams REP
Omega King Jarman REP
Barbara Justice-Rooks
S. Jerome Shaw
Cynthia M. Evans-Robinson
Prudencio (Ira) Irisarry
Clinton Jones
Mark P. Larkin
Bob Priesing
Danny Walsh
Randy Alexander
Paul Tremblay
Keith Lee Tyndall
Peggie Wilson
John R. Chittick
Evelyn Brown
Blenda Hargett
Barbara H. Jones
Linda H. McCoy
Roy McCoy
Dred C. Mitchell, Jr.
Gerald Baldwin
Diannia Bright
Theodore Bright
Penny L. Cummings
Anita Douglas
James Gibson, Jr.
Danny J. Moore
Gilbert Moore
Bobby Pollard
William Randy Mitchell, Jr.
John Percy Wetherington
Brett Beddow
Brian M. Leonard
Kathy Noonan
Patrick O’Toole
Donna B. Ross
Lisa Benton
Robert P. Howard
Mark Bledsoe
Jim Gadwell
John R. Kirkland
Edwin Vargas
Jim Gower
Billy Joiner
Shane Turney
Stephen Belrose
Andrew Black
Russell Ipock
Thad (Doodle) Jones
Hud Jordan
Todd McMillen
Chad E. Braxton