Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association (CCTA)
Forum on Voter Integrity
With Special Guest Jay DeLancy
Founder of Voter Integrity Project
He is a fabulous speaker and will cover the following topics:
Current lawfare in NC
Stopping Fraud Before the Election
Stopping Fraud After the election
Find out what YOU can do to make sure elections are fair!
Get Involved!!
This will be followed by a panel discussion on questions submitted by our committee.
Panelists are:
Senator Norman Sanderson,
Representative Michael Speciale,
Representative Keith Kidwell,
Board of Elections Directors
Meloni Wray: Craven,
Caitlin Sabadish: Carteret
Tuesday August 18, 2020 @ 7 PM
Stanly Hall Ballroom
249 Craven St (corner Craven and Pollock St.)
New Bern
Take elevator to 2nd floor