Contact our State Board of Education members and encourage them to support the recommendations of the Academic Standards Review Commission.
Reliable inside the beltway sources have leaked information to Common Core Warriors that the Gates Foundation and other nameless, faceless, unelected,unaccountable entities have joined forces to flood our State Board of Education with letters urging them to disregard the recommendations from the Academic Standards Review Commission regarding the State’s stance on Common Core.

This is an effort to undermine the efforts of the Academic Standards Review Commission before the report is filed!  The ASRC has been operating for over a year fulfilling the charge given them by the General Assembly under Senate bill 812, which was to Repeal and Replace Common Core.Obviously these for profit entities are fearful that the Commission Report will not be favorable to their self serving interests and bottom lines.

Please contact our State Board of Education members and encourage them to seriously consider the recommendations that will be put forth on December18th.  I have included their  e mail contact information.

Bill Cobey    william.cobey@dpi.nc.gov


A.L. Collins   Al.Collins@dpi.nc.gov


Janet Cowell     janet.cowell@dpi.nc.gov


Reginald Kenan  reginald.kenan@dpi.nc.gov


Rebecca Taylor  becky.taylor@dpi.nc.gov


Kevin Howell   kevin.howell@dpi.nc.gov


Gregory Alcorn      gregory.alcorn@dpi.nc.gov


Olivia Oxendine  olivia.oxendine@dpi.nc.gov    (already committed to vote against Common Core)


Lt. Gov. Dan Forest dan.forest@dpi.nc.gov   (already opposes CC)


Dr. Rodney Shotwell  rshotwell@rock.k12.nc.us


Evelyn Bulluck   EHBulluck@nrms.k12.nc.us


Steve Lassiter  lassits@pitt.k12.nc.us


James E. Ford  jamesefordnctoy@gmail.com


Keana Triplett keanatriplettnctoy@gmail.com


June Atkinson  june.atkinson@dpi.nc.gov    (supports Common Core 100% and isn’t going to change her mind, is President of one of the 2 organizations holding the copyright to CC.  Superintendent of Public Instruction)


Eric C. Davis      ericc.davis@cms.k12.nc.us


Wayne McDevitt   wayne.mcdevitt@dpi.nc.gov


Patricia Willoughby   patricia.willoughby@dpi.nc.gov

The decision will be made very soon on CommonCore.  If we don’t get rid of this bad education now, we are not going to be able to, because it is being written into many state and national laws.  Federal government has quietly taken over state education, unconstitutionally, and without any legal authority.

I also ask that you write your Representatives and Senators and share your thoughts on this attempt to undermine this process to repeal and replace Common Core.

Thank you



Kim Fink



Public Education Chair, CCTA


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