Category: Watchdog
Greg Murphy answers CCTA Vetting Questions
Candidate’s name: Greg Murphy Interview date: 4/4/19 Party affiliation: Republican Email: Postal address: PO Box 1131 Greenville, NC 27835 1) Who or what gives…
Public Meeting Notice
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Craven County Board of Commissioners Expands Size of Government
Craven County Board of Commissioners Meeting November 19,2018 At the most recent Craven County Board of Commissioners’ meeting, Jacqueline Wu who is with the US…
RESOLUTION OPPOSING ANY CHANGE IN THE DEFINITION OF A COMMERCIAL FISHING OPERATION WHEREAS, commercial fishing is a vital part of North Carolina’s history, heritage,…
What is a “Commercial Fisherman?”
WATCHDOG REPORT One would think a commercial fisherman is someone who goes out in a boat with the intent to catch enough fish to earn…
Craven County Board of Commissioners Support our Commercial fishing Industry
At the most recent Craven County Board of Commissioners meeting, during the Citizens Petitions agenda item, Jerry Shield, Glenn Fink and I petitioned on behalf…
WATCHDOG REPORT January 22, 2018 Tammy Childers, Executive Director, Eastern Carolina Workforce Development Board, recently presented an update on the Board’s activities to the Craven…
meeting, November 20, 2017, More Personnel, Government Spending on Boondoggles
My last report contained the good news that a staff request to apply for a grant to fund hiring a new staff member for CARTS…
Watchdog Report Craven County Board of Commissioners meeting, October 2, 2017
This meeting clearly demonstrated how our federal government is headed for the economic ruin of America. Two requests for approval to apply for federal transportation…
This Week’s TRUMP REPORT CARD by Constance Hanna
This article appeared in The County Compass September 14-20 issue. The President plans to visit as many as 13 states in the next…
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We consider ourselves to be Constitutional Conservatives and endeavor to promote those values and principles.
The tea party is not a political party and our identification and association with the tea party is strictly based on their similar beliefs and activities as a grassroots movement to uphold and support the Constitution of the United States. Among its goals are limiting the size of the federal government,
reducing government spending, lowering the national debt, and opposing tax increases.
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Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association, Inc.
4807 Delft Drive Carolina Colours New Bern NC 28562 Phone (252) 649-0525