Posted in Commissioners Watchdog

CCTA Watchdog Report- Craven County Contracts with Allies For Cherry Point’s Future Considered

CCTA works to reduce the size of government. It is a very daunting task. Our founders warned us that government tends to grow, and freedom…

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Posted in News

CCTA Business Meeting- Monday 8 Sep 2014 6:00 PM, Highland Christian Church

An Open Invitation To Our Business Meetings If you are reading this, you probably already know that the Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association (CCTA) sponsors informational…

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Posted in CCTA Education Commissioners SchoolBoard Watchdog

Disappointing Joint Meeting of Craven Board of Commissioners and the Craven School Board Board

Yesterdays joint meeting of the Craven County Board of Commissioners and the Craven County Board of Education was a disappointment.  There was no discussion of…

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Posted in Commissioners Watchdog

Tomorrow’s Craven County Board of Commissioners Work Session with the Craven County School Board

Craven County Board of Commissioners Work Session with the Craven County School Board A “Work Session” has been scheduled for the Craven County Board of…

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Posted in Aldermen Uncategorized Watchdog

New Bern Housing Authority Bond Issue Agenda Item for Board of Alderman Meeting

At my request, CCTA Chair, Rick Hopkins,  has appointed a Committee to study the issues surrounding the New Bern Housing Authority Craven Terrace rehabilitation project….

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Posted in Watchdog

12 Aug 14 New Bern Housing Authority Plans for Trent Court

WATCHDOG REPORT New Bern Housing Authority plan for rehabilitation of the Trent Court Housing Project 12 August 2013 Raynor, Rick Hopkins, Chairman of CCTA, and…

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Posted in Commissioners Watchdog

Watchdog Report- Craven County Board of Commissioners Meeting, 4 August 14

Watchdog Report- Craven County Board of Commissioners Meeting Held on 4 August 2014, 7:00 PM This meeting was certainly interesting.  I’m glad to say that…

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Posted in Commissioners Watchdog

Watchdog Report-Craven County Board of Commissioners Meeting 7 July 14

Watchdog Report Craven County Board of Commissioner’s Meeting-7 July 2014 CCTA sure got its message across last night at the Craven County Board of Commissioners…

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Posted in Commissioners Watchdog

Craven County Schools to be Subject of Discussion at the Craven County Board of Commissioners Meeting- 7July at 7:00pm

At Commissioner Scott Dacey’s “Town Hall” meeting Monday, 30Jun, CCTA member, Brad Cummings introduced a discussion of the Craven County School Board’s failure to be…

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Posted in Uncategorized

Ten CCTA Members Attend NC Wildlife Commission Hunter Safety Course

CCTA member Mark Jones is a wildlife biologist with the NC Wildlife Commission.  Mark arranged for ten CCTA members to attend the Commission’s Hunter Safety…

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