It’s misunderstood. The title “Common Core” is toxic. It’s really standards for education across the country. What I wish we called it in North Carolina would be something like, “the NC Essential Standards for Excellence in Education.”
Interview questions were developed by a Vetting Committee of 10 members of the Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association. All candidates for a particular office were asked the same questions. Interviews were conducted by 3 rotating members of the Vetting Committee. Summaries are the agreed-upon consensus of each 3-member group. Candidates were asked to interview in-person, but phone interviews were offered for candidates living outside Craven County if schedules would not allow travel.
Name, Candidate Position: David Hale, Board of Education, District 5
Interview Date: 10-13-16
Party Affiliation: Republican
Interviewed: In Person
Name: David Hale
Phone: 252-638-5517
Address: 511 Neuse Harbour, New Bern, North Carolina, 28560
Educational Background:
1968, BA from NC State University, history and science majors
1971, Masters in counseling and guidance from Louisiana Tech
1975, Education Specialist degree from George Washington University
Squadron Officers School
Armed Forces Staff College (Norfolk, Virginia)
Pilot in Air Force
Career counselor for Air Force
Training Officer for Air Force and Delta Air Lines
Craven County Schools counselor at Tucker Creek
Military Liaison Counselor, Craven County/Cherry Point
Demonstrations of Leadership:
Distinguished Military Officer, ROTC
Instructor, Evaluator pilot
Pilot and aid for general officer (3 star)
Member, Craven County Board of Education
Named All State School Board Member (7 people selected from 1,000 people)
Serve on NC Board Trust (administers self-insurance/workmen’s compensation)
Memberships and Associations:
NC Counselors Association
NC School Board Association
Wounded Warriors Association
Airline Pilots Association
First Presbyterian Church
Workforce Development Board
Republican Men’s Club
Why are you running for this office?
There is still work to be done, and I understand that work better now. I want to help our new Superintendent transition. I want to be a voice for our students and families. I want to continue my charge with pre-K, vocational ed, and workforce development. I want to continue to grow Craven County standards and proficiency.
What is the organizational structure of your campaign, fund raising capability, etc.?
My campaign is self-directed and self-funded. Other than phone calls and advice, no one is helping.
Which of the Founding Fathers do you most admire?
George Washington.
I admire his military leadership. He was out-maned and out-gunned, but he motivated soldiers. With his leadership, we still won.
Margaret Thatcher once said, “Consensus is a lack of leadership.” Do you agree? Why, or why not?
I don’t agree. Consensus is the objective of leadership. Leadership works to arrive at a consensus. Compromise can be a consensus.
Which President do you most admire? Why?
Actually, George Washington again.
He was on an unchartered course. He knew what our nation should be like. He led the way in service. It wasn’t about power for him. It was about service. It demonstrated what today’s politics should be about.
Do you believe the Founding Fathers intended the Constitution to be:
a. An evolving document whose meaning changes with time, or
b. A permanent set of rules to limit the power of the federal government?
I’ve thought about this a lot. I believe it was intended to be a permanent set of rules. It was based on the rights of man and government. It can be amended.
Discuss an ethical dilemma you faced. What happened? How did you resolve it?
Many times I’m called on as a Board member by people who want me to intercede in their behalf. One parent I know well and am close to asked me to let her daughter remain in the school she’d been attending even though the family had moved to another school district. I asked her what hardship changing schools would cause. She replied that going to the new school wasn’t a hardship; she would just prefer that her daughter stay with her classmates.
I had just served on a panel that had turned down a similar request from another parent, so I could not treat this parent differently in good conscience. However, because it was someone I was close to, I knew something about her circumstances that would allow her to take an action that would cause the change she wanted to occur within the existing rules, and I pointed this option out to her.
Where do individual rights come from?
Initially, God.
When the Constitution was written, God was a part of that, and it comes from the Constitution as well.
What do you know about Common Core? What is your position on it and why?
I know too much.
What is your position on it and why?
The math is totally misunderstood. It was hastily and badly implemented.
The “Common” part is not one size fits all, but it does allow students who come to North Carolina from another state to be on the same education tract.
What is your opinion on gun ownership, registration, and gun free zones?
Part of the Constitution is that we have the right to own guns, and we have the right to defend ourselves.
Registration was not intended, but I understand how it might be required today to make sure guns are not in the hands of those who shouldn’t have them.
I don’t have a strong position on gun free zones, but there are areas where there should not be guns.
What does the phrase “Separation of Church and State” mean to you?
Being a history major, I think that term came from what was happening in Europe where churches wielded tremendous power. I agree that church and state should be separate, but it’s gone to the extreme where the voice of the church is being diminished.
If elected, what would be your number one priority item during your term in office?
To continue to serve the stakeholders and monitoring stakeholders’ concerns. We have to continue working for pre-K, vocational education, and workforce development. For example, do you realize that some places in Virginia, pre-K students are as young as 3 years old?
This interview was conducted by Kathryn Blankley, Hal James, and Raynor James.
The Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association is a grassroots, 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, that advocates for minimum government and maximum freedom.
We are dedicated to the preservation of free enterprise and the United States Constitution. As such, we do not endorse or advocate for any political party or candidate.
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We consider ourselves to be Constitutional Conservatives and endeavor to promote those values and principles.
The tea party is not a political party and our identification and association with the tea party is strictly based on their similar beliefs and activities as a grassroots movement to uphold and support the Constitution of the United States. Among its goals are limiting the size of the federal government,
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We do promote and encourage these values which should not be confused with or construed as a political endorsement of a particular party.
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We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.
Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association, Inc.
4807 Delft Drive Carolina Colours New Bern NC 28562 Phone (252) 649-0525
We are dedicated to the preservation of free enterprise and the United States Constitution. As such, we do not endorse or advocate for any political party or candidate.
Posts on our Blog and Website are often re-posted from other sites and are for informational purposes only. They should not be considered a political endorsement.
We consider ourselves to be Constitutional Conservatives and endeavor to promote those values and principles.
The tea party is not a political party and our identification and association with the tea party is strictly based on their similar beliefs and activities as a grassroots movement to uphold and support the Constitution of the United States. Among its goals are limiting the size of the federal government,
reducing government spending, lowering the national debt, and opposing tax increases.
We do promote and encourage these values which should not be confused with or construed as a political endorsement of a particular party.
The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable.
However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources.
We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources.
We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.
Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association, Inc.
4807 Delft Drive Carolina Colours New Bern NC 28562 Phone (252) 649-0525