There has been much talk lately about who should recuse themselves from voting on issues in which they have a personal interest. At a recent meeting of the Craven County Board of Commissioners, two members of the Board of Commissioners cast votes that benefit organizations that had just made appeals to the Board. In each case, the appeal was presented by one of the commissioner’s wives!
It also often happens that Board members cast votes that benefit organizations on whose boards they themselves serve. That’s because CarolinaEast Hospital, Down East Regional Planning Organization, Swiss Bear, Craven Aging Board, all the public libraries, Craven County Health Board, Eastern Carolina Workforce Development, Fire man’s Relief Fund, Local Emergency Planning Committee, Highway 17 Committee, Highway 70 Corridor Committee, Smart/Start/Partnership for Children, the Zoning Board, Coastal Regional Solid Waste Management Authority, Social Service Board, Tourism Development Authority, Coastal Carolina Airport Authority, Craven Community College Board of Trustees, East Carolina Behavioral Health Board, Carolina East Council of Governments, AND the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council ALL HAVE CRAVEN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR THEIR WIVES ON THEIR BOARDS. I have seen nearly all these agencies make appeals to the Craven County Board of Commissioners for support and usually financial support. THE TAXPAYER DOESN’T STAND A CHANCE!
Usually after such an appeal to the Board, the Commissioner who serves on that organization’s board (or on which his wife serves) then makes a speech extolling the great works the organization does, and he often makes a motion to approve the request. DON’T YOU SEE HOW IT WORKS?
Now consider that most of the counties across the state have Commissioners who attend the NC Association of County Commissioners meetings and discuss how to increase county revenues, or in other words, HOW TO STACK THE DECK AGAINST TAXPAYERS!
This report appeared as an article in The County Compass newspaper- Week of May 25-31, 2017